Among the PDGF responsive species identified at both the RNA and

Among the PDGF responsive species identified at both the RNA and protein levels, the diaphanous related formin protein DIAPH3 has been identified as a mediator of actin remodeling. Our hypothetical model pre dicted a potential involvement of a MYC JUN DIAPH3 pathway in regulation thereby of cytoskeletal remodeling in re sponse to PDGF. We investigated the effect of PDGF on DIAPH3 levels in pBSMC and demonstrated DIAPH3 down regulation in PDGF stimulated cells treated with MYC or JUN inhibitors. RNAi mediated silencing of DIAPH3 did not alter pBSMC proliferation or migration, however it attenuated the PDGF induced increase in lamellipodium formation in pBSMC. Together, these findings suggest DIAPH3 may be a novel MYC and JUN target in pBSMC that regulates PDGF induced alterations in cell morphology.

Discussion In this study we present a global analysis of gene and protein responses to PDGF in normal human visceral smooth muscle cells. To our knowledge this is the first integrated, quantitative proteomics and transcriptomics analysis in smooth muscle of any type. The proteomics dataset we have reported here represents the largest pro tein database of human SMCs ever assembled. Network analysis validated the importance of MYC and JUN AP 1 in promoting SMC proliferation and migration, and also suggested the formin DIAPH3 may be a novel PDGF sensitive regulator of SMC behavior. Our integrated ana lysis e tends current understanding of PDGF stimulated networks by uncovering a comprehensive list of PDGF dependent biological processes and pathways and linking key transcription factors to their regulation.

Moreover, integration of transcriptomics and proteomics revealed shared pathways, processes and master regulators. It also enhanced the reliability of both target identification and the associated network in comparison to microarray or proteomics analyses alone. Pathologic remodeling of hollow organs such as the bladder, airways and vasculature involves alterations in SMC proliferation, e tracellular matri synthesis, cell morphology and cell motility. In agreement with these changes, integration analysis of differentially e pressed genes and proteins in visceral SMC e Cilengitide posed to PDGF identified regulation of cell proliferation. negative regulation of cell death. and regulation of cell motion as 3 of the most over represented biological processes. A major finding neither of the current study was the emergence of MYC and JUN as dominant regulators of the PDGF induced transcriptional program in visceral smooth muscle, and their identification as novel regulators of DIAPH3. Previous reports from us and others have impli cated JUN AP 1 in a variety of mechanosensitive cell behaviors in smooth muscle, including gene regulation, proliferation and migration.

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