Our pediatric ICU was not Ponatinib clinical included in this survey. Request for participation was sent electronically to attending physicians (either Division Chiefs or other faculty) at different centers between January and May 2009. Surveys were conducted primarily by phone call between the investigators and participating attending physicians. Three centers chose to complete the survey electronically instead of by phone for convenience. One physician was chosen as the spokesperson to represent their institution. All participating individuals had the opportunity to review the survey with their coworkers and colleagues to ensure that their responses were representative of their center’s beliefs and practices.The survey comprised a 22-point questionnaire.
Questions were developed to investigate the actual practice habits of intensivists regarding glycemic control in non-diabetic hyperglycemic critically ill children. Sections within the survey included questions specific to pediatric ICU demographic and descriptive data, individual perceptions and beliefs regarding glycemic control in critically ill children, individual and center-specific threshold for treatment, method of treatment (if applicable), and safety and efficacy of management at each center.Statistical analysis was conducted using a software package (SPSS for Windows, version 13.0.1, Chicago, IL, USA). We determined the significance of differences in responses between pediatric ICU centers with ��2 analysis (for categoric variables) and independent Student t-test (for continuous variables). A P value < 0.
05 was considered statistically significant.ResultsOf 40 centers queried, 30 pediatric ICUs agreed to participate in our survey, equating to a response rate of 75%. Ten centers either did not respond to our electronic request for participation or were not able to respond in a timely manner. All participating centers responded to all items on the questionnaire. Table Table11 details demographic data and descriptions of the 30 participating pediatric ICUs. Centers included ICUs of varying size (based on number of beds), admissions per year, model (urban, suburban, rural), geographic region, number of ICU physicians, and type (medical, surgical, cardiac, mixed, open versus closed unit) (Table (Table1).1). Cilengitide Most of the centers (27/30) were affiliated with pediatric residency programs, and 67% (20/30) were affiliated with pediatric critical care fellowship programs. Almost all (29/30) participating sites were university-affiliated.Table 1Description of participating pediatric ICUsTable Table22 describes pediatric center-specific beliefs regarding hyperglycemia and glycemic control in critically ill patients.