The most frequently colonised body sites were the stomach and the pharynx (58% and 47% of the total sample obtained, respectively), followed by the trachea (27%) and the rectum (20%). There were no differences between kinase inhibitor Rucaparib the two groups at this time. The most frequent isolated Candida species at T0 was Candida albicans (71%), followed by Candida glabrata (14%) and Candida krusei (1%). Figure Figure22 depicts the CCI for the two groups over time. The CCI was comparable in the two groups at T0 (P = 0.36), while a significant statistical difference was observed between group N and group C at T6 (median 0.14 and 0.33, respectively; P = 0.0016), at T9 (median 0.00 and 0.28, respectively; P = 0.0001), at T12 (median 0.00 and 0.41, respectively; P = 0.0008), and at T15 (median 0.00 and 0.42, respectively; P <0.
0003).Figure 2Course of the corrected colonisation index over time. Course of the corrected colonisation index (CCI) over time in the treatment group (white bars) and the control group (black bars). Illustrated are the daily median values (filled circles), and the …During hospitalisation in the ICU the proportion of positive stomach samples significantly decreased in the treatment group (from 59 to 49%) as opposed to the control group (from 58 to 74%; P <0.00009) at T6, and this difference persisted over time. At the end of the study period, the percentage of positive rectum samples significantly decreased in group N (from 12 to 8%) while it increased from 28 to 55% in group C (P <0.0001). A significant reduction of positive urinary samples was also noticed in group N (from 10 to 0%) compared with group C (from 6 to 25%; P <0.
016), No difference was detected in pharyngeal samples (Table (Table22 and Figure Figure33).Table 2Total and positive samples obtained in the two groups at each time-point for every siteFigure 3Colonisation of different body sites. Percentage of patients colonised during the study period in four different body sites: stomach, rectum, trachea, and urine. Black bars, control group; white bars, nystatin group. *P <0.05 between groups at ...Among patients colonised at admission, no statistical difference in CCI was found between the two groups at T0 and T3 (P = 0.26 and P = 0.18, respectively). At T6, however, group N showed a statistical significant reduction of CCI (median 0.14 in group N vs. 0.42 in group C, P = 0.
0007), and this difference persisted at T9 (median 0.14 vs. 0.33, respectively; P = 0.0004), at T12 (median 0.00 vs. 0.42, respectively; P = 0.0005), and at T15 (median 0.00 vs. 0.42, respectively; P = 0.0005) (Figure (Figure4).4). In the subgroup of patients not colonised at admission, Drug_discovery a statistically significant increase in the CCI was also observed in group C as compared with group N at T9 (median 0.14 vs. 0.00, respectively; P = 0.