Navitoclax purchase Another long-term study in Japan showed that the cumulative survival rates decreased year by year and decreased to 96.2% by the 10th year [19]. From the Korean studies involving 304UC cases, the cumulative survival rates after 1, 5, 10, and 15 years are 100%, 99.4%, 97.4%, and 89.9%, respectively [20]. The 10-year cumulative survival rate (91.1%�C93%) in Asian patients with UC was roughly equal to Western countries, and the mortality rate did not differ from the general population [20]. There are no large-scale long-term follow-up studies from mainland China population; the reported mortality rate from Hong Kong is consistent with Japan and Republic of Korea. Thus far, mortality data for CD in China remains unpublished. A Japanese cohort study involving 276CD patients [21] reported the cumulative survival rates of 98.
9% at 5 years, 98.1% at 10 years, 97.7% at 15 years, and 94.9% at 20 years after the onset of disease. This study indicated a small but persistent decline in relative survival over time, consistent with most CD survival studies in the Western world [22]. In addition, the survival studies in the Western countries suggest that age of diagnosis older than 40 years is an independent risk factor for increased mortality.2.3. Colorectal CancerCompared to Western studies of 3�C5% [22], the incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) among Chinese UC patients had been reported to be lower. However, results varied from study to study. A retrospective analysis of 3100 hospitalized UC patients suggests that the incidence of CRC is 0.4% [3].
Another retrospective analysis of 513 hospitalized IBD patients, including 242UC and 271CD, shows that 4UC patients (1.65%) developed cancer and 4 (1.65%) were confirmed with precancerous lesion, but none of the 271CD patients developed cancer [23]. This risk is lower than results from a meta-analysis [24] of CRC risk among Western UC patients of 1.6% at 10 years, 8.3% at 20 years, and 18.4% at 30 years, and this has been thought to be due to a relatively shorter duration of disease and a lower population risk of sporadic CRC. 2.4. Age and Gender DistributionAge and gender distribution of UC and CD from different regions are shown in Table 3. In China, the mean age of onset with CD is about 10 years earlier than UC, just as in Japan, Republic of Korea, and Western countries.
But the peak age of IBD onset in Mainland China is older than that in other countries. Although Asian studies reported a similar peak age of onset for both UC and CD among Japan, Republic of Korea, and Western countries, the second smaller peak is more likely to occur in Western countries [22], with the exception of Japan, which Brefeldin_A has a second smaller peak age on 60�C64 years old [21]. Latest study suggests a second smaller peak age on 45�C54 years old in Hong Kong [7], but not found in Mainland China.Table 3Ages and gender distribution of UC and CD.