Bon (1990) recognized sect. Olivaceoumbrini Bataille but placed species belonging to the Tephroleuci clade in sect. Ligati Bataille [invalid]. Hesler and Smith (1963) recognized this group as a series in sect. Hygrophorus, but included species from other clades, rendering it polyphyletic. Hygrophorus [subgen. Colorati sect. Olivaceoumbrini ] subsect. Olivaceoumbrini (Bataille) Singer, Lilloa 22: 146, (1951) [1949]. Type species: Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus (Fr. : Fr.) Fr., Epicr. syst. mycol. (Upsaliae): 324 (1838) ≡ Agaricus olivaceoalbus
Fr. (1815), Observ. Mycol. (Havniae) 1: 5 (1815) : Fr. Basionym: selleck inhibitor Hygrophorus [unranked] Olivaceo-umbrini Bataille, Mém. Soc. émul. Doubs, sér. 8 4: 163 (1910). Pileus glutinous, bistre, grayish brown, fuliginous or olivaceous at least in center, sometimes fading or yellowing with age; lamellae subdecurrent, distant, white; stipe glutinous, white with grayish olive-brown fibrils from veil
remnants, sometimes with a partial veil forming an annulus, apex white, dry, floccose. Phylogenetic support Our ITS analysis (Online Resource 9) includes five taxa in subsect. Olivaceoumbrini SB-715992 (two clades of H. olivaceoalbus corresponding to western North America and Europe = H. korhonenii respectively, H. persoonii, H. latitabundus = H. limacinus and H. mesotephrus). In our Supermatrix, LSU and ITS analyses H. olivaceoalbus appears in a separate clade, but without backbone support. In the four-gene analysis presented by Larsson (2010, unpublished data), subsect. Olivaceoumbrini STAT inhibitor (represented by H. bakerensis, H. korhonenii, H. latitabundus, H. mesotephrus, H. olivaceoalbus, and H. persoonii) appears as a paraphyletic grade
with 65 % MPBS support for the basal branch and 78 % MPBS support for the branch separating it from the monophyletic subsect. Tephroleuci. Species included Type species: Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus. Species included based on morphology and phylogeny are H. bakerensis A.H. Sm. & Hesler, H. korhonenii Harmaja, H. latitabundus Britzelm., H. mesotephrus Berk., and H. persoonii Arnolds (=H. limacinus Fr.). Morphology indicates that Hygrophorus occidentalis A.H. Sm. & Hesler also belongs here (Hesler and Smith 1963; Kovalenko 1989, 1999). Comments Subsect. Olivaceoumbrini is polyphyletic in our Supermatrix, LSU and ITS analyses, and a grade in the analysis presented by Larsson (2010). The composition of subsect. Olivaceoumbrini is mostly concordant with the morphologically based groups of Hesler and Smith (1963), Singer (1986), Kovalenko (1989, 1999) Arnolds (1990), Bon (1990) and Candusso (1997). Hygrophorus [subgen. Colorati sect. Olivaceoumbrini ] subsect. Tephroleuci (Bataille) Singer, Lilloa 22: 146 (1951) [1949]. Type species: Hygrophorus tephroleucus (Pers. : Fr.) Fr., Epicr. syst. mycol. (Upsaliae): 325 (1838) ≡ Agaricus tephroleucus Pers. (1801) : Fr.