105,106 To assess brain regions that are sensitive to high levels of threat, the activation sites of the contrast of CS+ (ie, aversively conditioned) vs. CS(ie, neutral) of 34 aversive conditioning studies were reviewed. Although great emphasis is put on the involvement of the amygdala in the processing of threat, this summary revealed that several frontal activation sites were consistently reported, including middle frontal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, BMS-777607 datasheet anterior cingulate cortex, and anterior insula.89 This evaluation
thus suggests that processing high-threat items engages key nodes of the attentional network, suggesting that it consumes Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical processing resources. What are some of the neural substrates of the interactions between emotion and cognition? When items are high in threat, robust interactions between affective processing and executive functions are proposed to take place via several neural mechanisms. First, it is hypothesized that threat processing engages attentional/effortful control mechanisms in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical several frontoparietal sites, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical including lateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and parietal cortex.
The role of the anterior cingulate cortex may be particularly important because of its role in integrating inputs from multiple sources, including cognitive, affective and motivational inputs117 (Figure 5). In cognitive studies, the anterior cingulate has been suggested to be involved in conflict detection, error likelihood processing, and error monitoring, among other functions. Anterior cingulate
engagement during threat may impair executive function because shared resources required to prioritize threat processing are recruited. In other Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical words, anterior cingulate Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical sites engaged by high-threat are at the intersection of the esources needed for several executive functions (as indicated by the orange region in Figure 4). Notably, the anterior cingulate engagement includes the dorsal sector, in contrast to the idea that the dorsalanterior cingulate is involved in cognitive function, in opposition to the more rostral, “emotional” sector.118 Figure 5. Interactions between emotion and cognition. The anterior nsula and the anterior cingulate cortex are important sites nvolved in determining affective significance and value. In so doing, they are closely affiliated Sitaxentan with an extended set of regions, some … As discussed, the anterior insula is critical for interoception, which involves monitoring the sensations that are important for the integrity of the internal body state, and interacting with systems that are important for evaluating context, allocating attention, and planning actions.119 Threat, uncertainty, and risk are all potent factors that engage the anterior insula.120 Remarkably, the anterior insula also was found to be activated in most cognitive tasks for which Van Snellenberg and Wager121 had metaanalytic data.