2004). Consequently, recent studies have trying to understand what are the possible adaptation concepts and technologies of 3-Methyladenine manufacturer biological UV dosimetry, when developed for
applications under climates like space and Mars surface. In this context, characteristics as a high resistance of bacterial spores to extreme conditions under extraterrestrial environments are required (Nicholson et al. 2000). A biosensor AZD6738 solubility dmso based in the spore inactivation doses (SID) of Bacillus subtilis strain TKJ6312 has been applied in the monitoring of the UV and the results compared with UV data obtained by Brewer Spectrophotometers at the INPE’s Southern Space Observatory (SSO, 29.4° S, 53.8° W), South of Brazil. Due to the deficiency in both DNA repair mechanisms, Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) and Spore Photoproduct Lyase (SP lyase), this strain is sensible to UVR and maintain the resistant for others environment conditions (Munakata
et al. 2000). The biological dosimetry fulfills the criterions established by BIODOS project from the European Commission to be applied as UV-biosensor including its simplicity, facility of use and transport, long term storage and action spectrum with a good resolution (Schuch et. al. 2006). The high correlation index around 0.9 of the continuous monthly exposition of the biosensor, which began in 2000 at the SSO, when compared with Brewer’s UV measurements, demonstrates its application www.selleckchem.com/products/17-DMAG,Hydrochloride-Salt.html Decitabine datasheet for long-term monitoring of the UV biologically-effective solar radiation. Furthermore, spore’s data analyses from other sites around the world agree with the UV seasonal variation data cited by the literature in terms of different and adverse environmental conditions from equatorial to higher latitudes sites (Munakata et. al. 2006). Considering the expectations of international exobiology groups to study the spatial solar radiation under different planetary environments using biological
systems the application of the Bacillus subtilis TKJ 6312 seems to be a very nice biosensor tool. Munakata, N., Kazadzis, S., Bais, A. F., Hieda, K., Rontó, G., Rettberg, P., and Horneck, G. (2000). Comparisons of spore dosimetry and spectral photometry of solar UV radiation at four sites in Japan and Europe. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 72: 739–745. Munakata, N., Cornain, S., Kanoko, M., Mulyadi, K., Lestari, S., Wirohadidjojo, W., Bolsee, D., Kazadzis, S., Schuch, N. J., Casiccia, C., Kaneko, M., Liu, C. M., Jimbow, K., Saida, T., Nishigori, C., Ogata, K., Nonaka, S., Hieda, K., and Ichihashi, M. (2006). Biological monitoring of solar-UV radiation at 17 sites in Asia, Europe and South America from 1999 to 2004. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 82: 689–694. Nicholson, W. L., Munakata, N., Horneck, G., Melosh, H. J., and Setlow, P. (2000).