, 2004). The two main strategies for the production of cellulases are solid state fermentation (SSF) and submerged fermentation (SF), which differ with respect to environmental conditions
and forms of conduction. One of the most exalted parameters in differentiating these types of processes is unquestionably the analysis of the volume of water present in the reaction (Mazutti et al., 2010 and Pandey, 2003). The activity level of water for the purpose of ensuring growth and metabolism of cells, on the other hand, does not exceed the maximum binding capacity of the water with solid matrix. The filamentous fungus JQ1 Aspergillus is considered of great economic importance due to its production of metabolites such as enzymes ( Graminha et al., 2008, Pelizer et al., 2007 and Sharma et al., 2001). According to Arantes and
Saddler (2010), the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose is catalysed by highly specific enzymes called cellulases, which are actually an enzyme complex composed of at least three major groups of cellulases: endoglucanases (EC, selleck chemical which randomly cleave the internal connections of the amorphous region, releasing oligosaccharides with reducing and non-reducing ends free; exoglucanases (EC, subdivided into cellobiohydrolases, which are responsible for the hydrolysis of terminal non-reducing and reducing. Xylanases (EC are enzymes responsible for hydrolysis of xylan, which is the main polysaccharide constituent of hemicelluloses (Yang et al., 2006). According to Granato, Ribeiro, Castro and Masson (2010), the optimal proportions among different variables can be achieved by changing one variable at a time; however, this approach is very laborious, often fails to guarantee the determination of optimum conditions,
and does not depict the combined effect of all the factors involved. One option to overcome this problem is the use of response surface methodology (RSM). Response surface methodology is an efficient statistical method for the optimisation of multiple variables employed to predict the best performance condition. The main advantages of RSM 17-DMAG (Alvespimycin) HCl are the reduced number and cost of experiments (Bidin et al., 2009). RSM has been extensively utilised to optimise culture conditions and medium composition of fermentation processes, conditions of enzyme reaction, and processing parameters in the production of food and drugs (Qiao et al., 2009 and Rodriguez-Nogales et al., 2007). There are several experimental designs that can be applied in food companies to test ingredients and/or to prepare or reformulate a new food product, including: full factorial design, fractional factorial design, saturated design, central composite design, and mixture design. Depending on the purpose, it is necessary to use a sequence of two or more designs (Granato et al. 2010).