, 2010; Voragen et al , 1995) Thus, the rheological behavior of

, 2010; Voragen et al., 1995). Thus, the rheological behavior of CA-HYP at 0.99 g GalA/100 g was evaluated at low pH (2.5–3.0)

with addition of 60 g sucrose/100 g final mixture. The variation of elastic (G′) and viscous (G″) moduli with frequency (0.01–10 Hz) at 25 °C for CA-HYP at low pH and addition of sucrose is shown in Fig. 7. Samples at pH 2.7 and 2.5 showed elastic modulus higher than viscous modulus (G′ > G″) over the frequency range analyzed and G′ was less dependent of frequency than G″, especially at pH 2.5, characterizing a weak gel-like behavior. For the sample at pH 3.0, at lower frequencies G ′> G″ and a cross-over between the moduli occurred at approximately 2.8 Hz. Löfgren, Ceritinib order Walkenström, and Hermansson (2002) also obtained a weak gel with LM pectins (DE 33.5%) at low pH/high sucrose concentration. At 0.75 g pectin concentration/100 g and pH 3.0 with 60% sucrose, in the absence of calcium ions, the gel shows a G′ of 30 Pa and a G″ of 20 Pa at 1 Hz. For the same frequency,

sucrose concentration and pH, CA-HYP at 0.99 GalA/100 g sample showed higher values of G′ and G″, 48 Pa and 43 Pa, respectively. Hot citric-acid extraction appears suitable for the recovery of pectins from cacao pod husks. Slight variation of the uronic acid content (52–62 g/100 g fraction) was observed at the studied levels. However, the extraction yield increased significantly with increasing temperature and time. The experimental yield of pectin in the selected satisfactory conditions (pH 3.0/95 °C/90 min) was found to be in good Anidulafungin (LY303366) agreement with

the predicted check details yield (10.1 g/100 g vs. 9.0 g/100 g, respectively). The pectin obtained is an LM homogalacturonan highly acetylated (DE 40.3%; DA 15.9%) containing rhamnogalacturonan insertions with galactose-rich side chains and showed a non-Newtonian shear-thinning behavior, well fitted by Cross Model. Although gel formation with calcium ions was not observed, the pectin was able to form gels under low pH/high sucrose content, suggesting possible applications as additive in acidic products. The citric-acid-mediated extraction of pectins from the main by-product of cocoa production would not only help to reduce the costs of the production of cocoa products but would also manage the disposal of this waste in an environmental friendly manner through the use of a natural and safe food additive. The authors thank Adonias de Castro Virgens Filho, Miguel Moreno-Ruiz and CEPLAC/CEPEC for supplying the cacao pod husks and CNPq for financial support. “
“Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a disease in which the oxidation of the amino acid phenylalanine (PHE) is impaired due to a deficiency of the PHE hydroxylase enzyme, resulting in several problems in untreated patients, including mental retardation and reduction of life expectancy (Giovannini, Verduci, Salvatici, & Fiori, 2007).

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