5 × 1014 Hz. The combined wavelengths ranged from 400 to 1,000 nm with different colors. Raman studies were carried out using a spectroscopy system (Jobin Yvon HR 800 UV, Edison, NJ, USA). Table 1 The growth parameters and results of the ITO and TiO 2 film CH5183284 cell line deposition on the Si substrate Target ITO 99.99% TiO299.99% Target diameter 7.6 cm 7.6 cm
Distance from substrate 10 cm 10 cm Substrate Si Si Substrate temperature 30°C 35°C Ultimate pressure 2.68 × 10-5 mbar 2.97 × 10-5 mbar Vacuum (plasma) pressure 7.41 × 10-3 mbar 6.75 × 10-3 mbar BMS-907351 research buy Gas Ar 99.99% Ar 99.99% RF sputtering power 200 W 200 W Deposition rate 2.1 Å · s-1 0.5 Å · s-1 Deposition time 5 min 19 min Required thickness 60 to 64 nm 55 to 60 nm Crystalline size 0.229 nm 0.223 nm n (λ = 500 nm) 1.97 2.2 Results and discussion Typical XRD measurements of ITO films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering at RT are represented in Figure 1a. The low-intensity diffraction peak analogous to an incipient crystallization of the ITO in the (222)-oriented body-centered cubic (bcc) structure has been identified. While other diffraction peaks such as (400), (440), (611), and (622) showing crystallites with other orientation. The reflection from the (2 2 2) crystalline plane resulted in a characteristic peak at 2θ = 30.81°, which was close to the peak
(2θ = 30.581°) of the reference ITO [11, 16, 17]. The structural and morphological characteristics of the ITO film showed polycrystalline ITO growth on Si p-type (100) at RT [18]. Figure 1 XRD spectrum of (a) ITO and (b) TiO 2 films. Figure 1b shows the XRD patterns of the TiO2 film grown GF120918 clinical trial on Si (100) substrates at RT. All diffraction peaks at 25.42°, 38.60°, 48.12°, and 55.39° corresponded to Fenbendazole anatase (1 0 1), (1 1 2), (2 0 0), and (2 1 1) crystal planes, respectively [14, 15]. The result of the XRD patterns also showed that the anatase (2 0 0) is the preferential growth
orientation while no rutile phases were observed. Anatase phase of TiO2 film grown on Si p-type (100) at RT is highly photoactive and have better AR properties as compared to other TiO2 polymorphs: rutile and brookite [19]. XRD measurements affirm that nanocrystalline TiO2 film with the anatase phase could be grown at RT without any apparent contamination. Table 1 lists the average crystallite size calculated using the Scherrer formula in Equation 2 [20]. (2) where D is the average crystallite size, λ is the X-ray radiation wavelength (0.15406 nm), β is the full width at half maximum (FWHM) value, and θ is the diffraction Bragg angle. The film microstructure of ITO and TiO2 films was also investigated by AFM, and the results are shown in Figure 2. Typical morphological features can be perceived readily by visual inspection of Figure 2a,b. As can be seen, the granules of different scales exist in both the films and are scattered evenly in some ranges.