5A, right side) These results suggest that HDV with high replica

5A, right side). These results suggest that HDV with high replication and assembly efficiency tended to induce higher EMT activity and might contribute to the development of fibrosis or cirrhosis in CHD patients during long-term follow-up. L-HDAg, but not S-HDAg, played a major role in inducing EMT. To differentiate the roles of L-HDAg maybe and S-HDAg in EMT, Huh-7 cells were transfected with three different genotypes of L-HDAg and S-HDAg expression plasmids. The intracellular vimentin, twist, and snail expression levels were markedly increased at 2.4- to 5.1-fold over the control levels when the L-HDAg expression plasmids of genotypes 1, 2, and 4 were transfected into Huh-7 cells (Fig. 5B). In addition, the corresponding E-cadherin expression level in cell lysates was decreased to 68 and 28% of the control level, respectively.

However, the intracellular vimentin, twist, snail, and E-cadherin levels were not significantly altered compared to those of the controls when the S-HDAg expression plasmid was transfected into Huh-7 cells. The amounts of TGF-�� in the culture medium of Huh-7 cells transfected with an L-HDAg expression plasmid was nearly 3-fold higher than those in the culture medium of cells transfected with an S-HDAg expression plasmid or vectors. The experiments were done in triplicate, and the amount of TGF-�� in the culture medium of transfected cells expressing L-HDAg was significantly higher than that in the medium of transfected cells expressing S-HDAg or a negative control (P < 0.05).

To determine if a dose-dependent response of EMT activity was induced by L-HDAg, different doses of plasmids encoding L-HDAg of genotype 1, 2, or 4 were transfected into Huh-7 cells. When the amount of L-HDAg expression plasmid was increased (from 15 to 30 ��g), the expression of vimentin, twist, and snail was also increased (Fig. 6A). However, the expression of E-cadherin was downregulated when the amount of L-HDAg expression plasmid was increased. The experiments were done in triplicate, and the results showed that there was a significant dose-dependent response of TGF-�� secretion by transfected cells expressing L-HDAg (P < 0.05). The changes in EMT markers also showed consistent results (P < 0.05) (Fig. 6B). Fig 6 Expression levels of induced EMT markers at different doses of L-HDAg-expressing plasmids.

Snail, twist, E-cadherin, and vimentin levels in Huh-7 cells transfected with the empty vector (pcDNA3.1) and different doses of L-HDAg-expressing plasmids from … The indirect double immunofluorescence staining of HDAgs, epithelial markers, and mesenchymal markers was performed at day 3 posttransfection. L-HDAg and S-HDAg are shown in nuclei with rhodamine staining in red, while epithelial and mesenchymal markers are shown in the cell membrane, cytoplasm, or nuclei with FITC staining in green (Fig. Cilengitide 7). The right panel of Fig.

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