All calculations were done using the R programming environment I

All calculations were done using the R programming environment. In order to have an estimate of the upper limit of error learn more for the division angle calculation, each of the five points was in turn left out for determining the best-fitting plane. Thereby, five planes determined by just four points were received, and the angles for these were determined as well as the standard deviation (SD) of the angles.

The median of the SDs over all angle determination was 6.4°. We wish to thank Karin Paiha and Pawel Pasierbek for excellent bio-optics support and image analysis, Meinrad Busslinger and Abdallah Souabni for help with knockout generation, Frederik Wirtz-Peitz for generating transgenic flies, Elke Kleiner for technical assistance, all members of the J.A.K. lab for discussions, Thom Kauffman for antibodies, and Nina Corsini and Frederik Wirtz-Peitz for comments

on the manuscript. Work in J.A.K.’s lab is supported by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the EU seventh framework program network EuroSyStem, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), and an advanced grant of the European Research Council (ERC). “
“Postmitotic neurons elaborate highly branched, tree-like dendrites that display distinct patterns in accordance with their input reception and integration. Therefore, regulation of dendrite arborization during development is crucial for neuronal function and physiology. Dendrite morphogenesis proceeds PI3K inhibitor in two main phases: lower-order dendrites first pioneer and delineate the receptive field, and then higher-order dendrites branch out Mephenoxalone to fill in gaps between existing ones (Jan and Jan, 2010). This process is exemplified by the

morphogenesis of Drosophila dendritic arborization (da) neurons, which have a roughly fixed pattern of lower-order dendrites in early larval stages. Higher-order dendrites then branch out to reach the order of more than six, covering the entire epidermal area ( Sugimura et al., 2003). These distinct phases of dendrite arborization are manifested by the difference in underlying cytoskeletal composition. While lower-order dendrites are structurally supported by rigid microtubules, higher-order dendrites contain actin and loosely packed microtubules ( Jinushi-Nakao et al., 2007). It is thought that the structural flexibility of higher-order dendrites allows dynamic behaviors like extension, retraction, turning, and stalling to explore unfilled areas. The da neurons are classified into four types (I–IV) according to branching pattern and complexity of dendrites (Grueber et al., 2002). The most complex class IV da neurons have a unique pattern, in which few branches are sent out from proximal dendrites, while dendrites grow extensively in distal regions (Grueber et al., 2002). Polarized growth of higher-order dendrites requires specialized cellular machineries.

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