At baseline, the median age was 73 years; the median years of edu

At baseline, the selleck chemicals Median age was 73 years; the median years of education was 6 years; the prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia was 26.1, 58.2 and 57.9 %, respectively; the mean GDS score was 3.1 (standard deviation [SD] 3.2); the mean MMSE score was 20.6 (SD 5.4); and the mean MoCA score was 20.9 (SD 5.0). Table 1 summarizes the baseline characteristics by diagnosis group. Compared with patients with mixed AD, patients with pure AD were younger (8 years, p = 0.001), had more years of education (3 years, p = 0.019), and had a lower prevalence of hypertension (27.1, p = 0.011). Patients with mixed AD performed significantly worse (20.1 vs. 23.0, p = 0.007) on the MMSE. The mixed AD group had lower baseline scores on the MoCA, but this was not statistically different (20.5 vs. Table 1 GS-9973 mw Demographic, baseline clinical, and follow-up characteristics Characteristic Mixed AD (AD + svCVD) [137 (83 %)] Pure AD [28 (17 %)] p value Demographics Age (years)        Mean (SD) 73.4 (8.00) 67.2 (8.83) 0.0014a  Median (min, max) 74.0 (54, 91)

66.0 (46, 80) 0.0013b Male, n (%) 54 (39.4) 16 (57.1) 0.0960c Race, n (%)        Chinese 119 (86.9) 21 (75.0) 0.1449c,d  Malay 5 (3.6) 2 (7.1)    Indian 5 (3.6) 3 (10.7)    Others 8 (5.8) 2 (7.1)   Years of education  Mean (SD) 5.8 (4.69) 8.1 (4.48) 0.0222a  Median (min, max) 6.0 (0, 17) 9.0 (0, 16) 0.0191b Baseline clinical characteristics Diabetes mellitus, n see more (%) 37 (27.0) 6 (21.4) 0.6413c Hypertension, n (%) 86 (62.8) 10 (35.7) 0.0112c Hyperlipidemia, n (%) 82 (60.3) 13 (46.4) 0.2093c MMSE (n = 165)  Mean (SD) 20.1 (5.43) 23.0 (4.77) 0.0066a cAMP  Median (min, max) 20.0 (11, 30) 24.5 (12, 29) 0.0106b MoCA (n = 87)  Mean (SD) 20.5 (4.98) 22.5 (4.72) 0.1417a  Median (min, max) 21.0 (7, 30) 24.0 (12, 30) 0.1207b GDS (n = 68)  Mean (SD) 3.2 (3.35) 2.0 (1.73) 0.1082a  Median (min, max) 2.0 (0, 15) 2.0 (0, 5) 0.4720b Follow-up characteristics

Duration of follow-up (months)        Mean (SD) 31.1 (17.56) 37.0 (19.46) 0.1424a  Median (min, max) 28.2 (6, 85) 36.0 (8, 82) 0.1097b Number of assessments/visits  Mean (SD) 6.1 (2.59) 7.1 (3.01) 0.1154a  Median (min, max) 6.0 (2, 10) 8.0 (2, 10) 0.0836b AD Alzheimer’s disease, GDS Geriatric Depression Scale, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment, svCVD small vessel cerebrovascular disease, SD standard deviation a p value based on two-sample t-test with unequal variance b p value based on Wilcoxon rank sum (Kruskal–Wallis) test c p value based on Fisher’s Exact Test d p value calculated using dichotomized variable (Chinese: Yes | No) 3.2 Follow-up Characteristics Patient management (treatment, monitoring, and assessment) was reviewed, and adjusted if necessary, routinely within 4–6 months of the previous clinic visit.

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