Authors�� contributions BC conceived the study All authors contr

Authors�� contributions BC conceived the study. All authors contributed to data collection, analysis and interpretation. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Adherence to clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) is limited, and interventions to enhance uptake have been only moderately effective [1,2]. This could be because, despite the increased attention to behavioural and organizational theory application in implementation science, few interventions to improve adherence are based on a coherent theoretical framework and formative research [3,4]. Intervention development should include formative research to provide an analysis of influential barriers to and facilitators of CPG implementation and a deliberate matching of theoretical behavioural and environmental change methods to these factors [5,6].

Non-specific low back pain constitutes a serious public health problem associated with significant socioeconomic burden, and physical therapy is expected to contribute to the reduction or elimination of this burden [7]. Although only 2-7% of the patients with acute low back pain develop chronic low back pain, recurrent and chronic low back pain account for 75-85% of total worker��s absenteeism. To support physical therapists as they manage patients with low back pain, the Royal Dutch Association for Physical Therapy developed a national physical therapy [8] and a separate manual therapy CPG [9]. The guidelines urge clinical reasoning, assessment and management of psychosocial factors, and documentation including outcome measurement.

Their four main features are: applying the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF); identifying and applying patient profiles with duration, course, and psychosocial factors influencing recovery; restricting the application of manipulative physical therapy and limiting the number of treatment sessions; and focusing on patient behaviour to restore physical activity and social participation. Previous studies support the assumption that greater adherence to CPGs for low back pain provide a cost advantage [10,11], and a recent study related guideline adherence to improved physical functioning [12]. The aim of our study was to demonstrate how the process of Intervention Mapping [13]can be used to develop an intervention to address the lack of adherence to the national CPG for low back pain by Dutch physical therapists [14,15].

After its development, the intervention was evaluated on its feasibility and potential effectiveness in a pilot test of which the results are reported elsewhere [16]. Formative research and program development Program planning team and procedures AV-951 The three core project team members, a doctoral candidate, faculty member and project coordinator, performed the formative research and initial program development.

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