DAT722 (R) B-VSD11-F TTT TGG ATC CGA ATA GGG AAA ATC CGT G Gene from cassette 11 in V. rotiferianus DAT722 (F) P-VSD11-R TTT TCT GCA GTT AGT TGA ATT GTT TCA CAG C Gene from cassette 11 in V. rotiferianus DAT722 (R) DAT722 cassette analysis and strain construction The cassette array of DAT722
is fully TPCA-1 supplier sequenced [12] and consists of 116 gene cassettes although there are 94 different cassette types due to the presence of paralogous cassettes [11]. For the deletion of cassettes by homologous recombination, the presence of paralogous cassettes in different positions of the array SAHA supplier was exploited. Two of the paralogous cassette types were selected based on their position in the array. The first paralogous cassette type (group 1) is in positions 6, 7, 15, 27, 49, 66, 71, 76, 77 and 111. The second paralogous group (group 2) is in positions 34, 61, 83, 87, 90, 93 and 105. Using fusion PCR, a 1834 bp DNA fragment consisting of, in order, a portion of group 1 sequence
(448 bp), the aphA1 gene from pLOW2 (964 bp) and a portion of group 2 sequence (410 bp) was amplified and cloned into pGEM-T Easy producing pMAQ1080. The fragment
was excised from pMAQ1080 using salI and cloned into the salI site of the sacB-counter selectable suicide vector pCVD442 to create pMAQ1081. Homologous recombination (allele replacement) was used to replace cassettes between group 1 and group 2 cassettes with the 1834 bp fragment MLN4924 mouse created by fusion PCR. Plasmid pMAQ1081 was conjugated GNA12 into DAT722-Sm using E. coli SM10 as a donor with recombinants selected on LB20 medium supplemented with 100 μg/ml and 25 μg/ml of kanamycin and streptomycin respectively. A merodiploid (designated MD7) was isolated with pMAQ1081 recombining into cassette 61 of the integron cassette array (see Figure 1). An overnight culture of MD7 was inoculated into fresh LB20 at a dilution of 10-6 and grown until turbidity was evident (~ 6 hours). For selection of double cross-over recombinants, a dilution series of the MD7 culture was plated onto LB medium containing 0.4% NaCl, 10% sucrose and 100 μg/ml kanamycin.