falciparum infection will probably require the design of molecules specifically targeted at the parasite and pharmacokinetically optimized to provide a sufficient margin of safety. and pregnant women as these groups are most severely affected by the disease. Supply to the patient is often unregulated, self medication is common and medical resources may be limited. nevertheless Thus, patients may not be monitored for adverse events or be able to access medical care should these occur. To achieve the required therapeutic window for an anti malarial drug, it should have good oral bio availability, potent activity against the parasite and a high specificity for perturbing parasite metabolic and biochemical pro cesses versus those of the host, ie, few and mild adverse events.
These requirements are challenging, particularly for drugs that have been developed to affect human disease processes. In general, unless a drug demon strates efficacy in malaria at a lower dose than in the parent indication, the required therapeutic window cannot be achieved. Thus, repositioning of clinical compounds would seem most appropriate when the new use has a higher tolerance of potential safety signals, such as from malaria to cancer chemotherapy rather than vice versa. In fact, anti malarial drugs have been successfully repositioned into other therapeutic areas. Classically, hydroxyl chloroquine has been used to treat inflamma tory conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus, lupus nephritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and may also have utility in other auto immune diseases.
More recently, investigations have been initiated into the use of anti malarial drugs in cancer, for example, for the sensitization of tumours to enhance the response to con ventional treatments. Introduction Numerous reports have attested to the health damaging effects of red wine and its components beyond excess al cohol consumption, for example owing to pesticide and heavy metal content. In contrast, many reports point to the health protective effects of red wine owing to the abundance of anti oxidants. Beyond modu lating oxidative damage, one focus has been on the fe male endocrine system, following the reports that red wine has anti aromatase properties. This discovery broadened the debate regarding the link between alcohol intake and risk of developing breast cancer.
Equally, the associations of high and low testoster one levels with the development of various forms of prostate cancer have been subjected to considerable debate. Given the inhibitory effects of red wine on aromatase it is conceivable that red wine also affects aspects of testosterone metabolism. Brefeldin_A Al though recent epidemiological studies have suggested red wine consumption is not a potential risk factor for prostate cancer, the effects of red wine on testosterone metabolism warrant investigation. Glucuronidation is a major metabolic pathway for the elimination of testosterone and numerous compounds from the body.