“Figure options Download full-size image Download as PowerPoint slide Professor Per Artursson (Sweden) is the recipient of the Björn Ekwall Memorial Award for the year 2013 in recognition of his scientific achievements in the field of drug design and delivery and for the innovative design and successful implementation of in vitro methods in pharmacy and toxicology. The Björn
Ekwall Memorial Award will be given to Professor Per Artursson at the occasion of the 29th Workshop of SSCT, 25–27 September 2013, Vilvorde Course Center, Charlottenlund, Denmark. At the workshop, Professor Artursson will deliver the Björn Ekwall Memorial Lecture. P. Artursson studied pharmacy at Uppsala University, where he also presented his PhD thesis 1985. He spent one year as a post doc. fellow at the Medical Products Agency, Uppsala (1986) and one year as a visiting SCH727965 datasheet scientist at the Advanced Drug Delivery Research, Ciba-Geigy, England (1987) before taking up a position as Assistant
Professor in Pharmaceutics, Uppsala University. In 1992 he was appointed to his present post as Professor in Dosage Form Design at the Department of Pharmaceutics, Uppsala University, Sweden. He is also holding a Honorary Doctorate in pharmacy at Kuopio University, Finland. P. Artursson has made a significant career in the research of pharmacy, especially in drug absorption, disposition and
delivery. He has made globally pioneer selleckchem research contribution in development of in vitro models for the prediction of drug absorption through small intestine. Current research interests are directed towards predictive pharmacokinetics (ADMET) and biopharmaceutics in drug discovery and development. In particular, the role of drug transporting proteins in the cellular uptake, accumulation, metabolism and elimination of drugs and drug-like molecules is studied. During the course of this research P. Artursson has developed a number of new, scientifically sound and animal saving, in vitro models based on advanced cell and molecular biology. These models have been adopted by the drug industry for the prediction of drug absorption Thiamet G in the drug discovery process. They have also been important for the development of in vitro and in silico methods in large international studies like MEIC and ACuteTox projects, in which P. Artursson has participated. In 2004, he founded a new unit at his department, dedicated to pharmaceutical screening and informatics: the Centre for Pharmaceutical Informatics (CPI) and in 2010, the unit was transformed into the National Platform for Drug Optimization and Pharmaceutical Profiling (UDOPP). This platform provides information and support, as well as collaborative research, to academia and industry almost entirely based on in vitro and in silico methods. P.