Finally, estradiol concentrations remain normal or arc elevated d

Finally, estradiol concentrations remain normal or arc elevated during the perimenopausal period, suggesting that, the ovary remains capable of secreting this critical hormone. Interestingly, these findings are strikingly similar to what has been observed in middle-aged laboratory rodents, as they become less fertile and cease to have reproductive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cycles.2 Since many studies to examine the role of the brain cannot be performed in women because they are invasive and involve experimental manipulations that, cannot be performed

in humans, laboratory animals provide the only means through which we can gain a better understanding of the role of the brain in the menopause. The striking similarities between many of the events that occur during middle age give us reason to believe that rodents serve as excellent models in which to examine the factors that initiate the process of reproductive aging during middle age. We hope that information gained from these species can be extrapolated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to humans and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical will

allow us to uncover and explore concepts that can be generalized to human reproductive aging. Estrogen Olaparib cell line replacement therapy in postmenopausal women The process of reproductive aging in women ultimately results in a hypoestrogenic, postmenopausal state. As our understanding of estrogen action in the body grows, the consequences of prolonged hypoestrogenicity and the profound impact of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) on postmenopausal women become increasingly clear. We now know that, although estrogen can promote disease Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in some women,3 it acts in a broad spectrum of tissues to promote health and overall well-being.4-8 Insight into many of the protective actions of estrogen is gained from observations that oophorectomized Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical young women suffer increased pathophysiology, such as bone resorption,9 compared with their counterparts with normal reproductive function. Further, hypoestrogenic, postmenopausal women often suffer

increased disease compared Thalidomide with premenopausal women and age-matched men. Studies demonstrate that estrogen acts in the brain to enhance cognitive function and decrease the risk and/or delay the onset of neurodegenerative conditions.6,10-13 Further, estrogen decreases the risk and/or mortality for cardiovascular disease, potentially through its beneficial effects on the lipid profile and on the endothelium,7,14,15 though recent evidence suggests that estrogen-mediated protection of the heart may not persist in women with preexisting cardiovascular disease.16 Finally, estrogen is crucial in the positive remodeling of bone; the loss of estrogen in postmenopausal women is accompanied by a dramatic increase in osteoporosis.

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