Fixed drug eruptions are also relatively common #

Fixed drug eruptions are also relatively common adverse cutaneous reactions with several atypical and some typical antipsychotics as well as with other psychotropics [Bhattacharjee and El-Sayeh, 2008]. The onset is usually within a few days of ingestion, affects any part of the body, and may involve the mucosal membranes [Valeyrie-Allanore et al. 2007]. Severe cutaneous eruptions, such as erythema multiforme, have been reported Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical much less frequently with several atypical and some typical antipsychotics [Warnock and Morris, 2002a]. The onset is slower, typically 1–3 weeks after initiation

[Svensson et al. 2000], but this may potentially develop into a more serious reaction such as Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS)

or toxic epidermal necrolysis [Warnock and Morris, 2002a]. When a severe cutaneous reaction develops the suspected causal agent should be immediately withdrawn [Kimyai-Asadi et al. 1999; Svensson et al. 2000; Warnock and Morris, 2002a]. Here the author presents a case of a severe and potentially Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical life-threatening adverse cutaneous reaction following initiation of oral aripiprazole. Case presentation A 61-year-old Moroccan gentleman with a long-standing diagnosis of schizophrenia had been this website treated with flupentixol decanoate depot since 1976. Over the years this had been prescribed at varying doses and at times with the addition of other antipsychotics, such as trifluoperazine. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Throughout this time he regularly suffered with extrapyramidal side-effects (EPSs) for which he took oral procyclidine. He had residual but manageable psychotic symptoms and no psychiatric admissions. He was obese, had type 2 diabetes for which he took

metformin and had no Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical known drug allergies. He was prescribed flupentixol decanoate 150 mg fortnightly. At lower doses the psychotic symptoms became more problematic although the EPS lessened; at this dose the ongoing EPS included pill rolling tremor in his left hand, poverty of facial expression, festinating Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical gait and oculogyric crises. The latter were described and verified by both him and his wife, although not observed during clinic appointments; they appeared independently of time, location and setting, and happened several times a week. Both he and his wife found these very distressing. He was already taking Astemizole procyclidine 5 mg usually twice a day but often more, and carried these tablets with him in his pocket. An additional 5–10 mg of procyclidine was effective at treating an oculogyric crisis. A suggestion was made to try an alternative antipsychotic. He had only previously taken typical antipsychotics, and in view of his physical health, comorbidities and concurrent medication, a limited range of atypicals were considered. Following discussions between the pharmacist, the patient and his wife, a mutual decision was made to change to aripiprazole.

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