For example, a simulation of λ(ω) using Equations 7 to 9 is presented in Figure 3b,c, where a single Selleck BTSA1 coupling mode is given at Ω = 40 meV.
One can see that the peak of α 2 F(-ω) is reproduced by -Imλ(ω), provided that A(ω) is gapless and approximated by a constant. As an this website energy gap of Δ opens in A(ω), the peak in -Imλ(ω) is shifted from Ω into Ω + Δ. Nevertheless, irrespective of A(ω), the causality of Σ(ω) is inherited by λ(ω), so that Reλ(ω) and Imλ(ω) are mutually convertible through the Kramers-Kronig transform (KKT). The directness and causality of λ(ω) enable us to decompose the quasiparticle effective mass without tackling the integral inversion problem in Equation 7. Figure 4 shows the ARPES spectra along the nodal cut perpendicular to the Fermi surface for the superconducting Bi2212 [7]. Although the splitting due to the CuO2 bilayer is minimum at the nodes, it has clearly been observed
by using some specific low-energy photons [6–8]. A prominent kink in the NQP dispersion is observed at 65 meV for all the doping level, as has been reported since early years [4]. In addition to this, another small kink at 15 meV is discernible in the raw spectral image of the underdoped sample (UD66) [7, 27]. Figure 4 Dispersion kinks manifested in NQP spectra. The ARPES spectra were taken in the superconducting state for Bi2212 [7]. (a) Underdoped sample with T c = 66 K (UD66). (b) Optimally doped sample with T c = 91 K (OP91). (c) Overdoped sample with T c = 80 K (OD80). The fine renormalization features in the NQP dispersion were determined by fitting the momentum distribution curves with double Lorentzian. Figure 5a,d shows the real and imaginary parts of λ(ω)/v 0 experimentally KPT-8602 ic50 obtained as the energy derivatives of the peak position and width, respectively. The KKT of Reλ(ω)/v 0 in Figure 5a is shown in Figure 5b as Imλ(ω)/v 0, which is comparable with the data in Figure 5d. A step-like mass enhancement in Figure 5a and a peak-like coupling weight in Figure 5b,d
are consistently observed at 65 meV. This is a typical behavior of the mode coupling, as shown by the simulation in Figure 3. It is also found that an additional feature around 15 meV is dramatically enhanced with underdoping. In order to deduce the partial coupling constant, we express the mass enhancement factor λ as the form of KKT, (10) Figure 5 Doping dependences of NQP properties. The real and imaginary Acetophenone parts of mass enhancement spectra were directly deduced from the APRES data shown in Figure 4[7]. (a) Inverse group velocity, 1/v g(ω) = [1 + Re λ(ω)]/v 0, determined from (d/d ω) k(ω). (b) Differential scattering rate -Im λ(ω)/v 0, deduced from the Kramers-Kronig transform (KKT) of (a). (c) Partial coupling constants, λ LE (red circles) and λ IE (blue triangles), deduced from (b). Also shown are the inverse group velocities at ω = 0 (black circles) and at ω = -40 meV (black triangles).