In 2000, a Bluebird? dispenser was reported to improve accuracy by using a pressure feed-back loop [15]. In 2005, Carsten Haber tried to integrate a MEMS flow sensor in the Seyonic system, and first proposed a residual volume compensation strategy to constantly monitor and correct the dispensing process for accurate fluid delivery during dispensing cycles [16]. Integrating the sensors make it possible to dispense the desired volumes of liquids with different viscosities accurately by closed-loop control.In this paper, an adaptive precise liquid dispensing system with a more intelligent control approach was developed. It consists of a syringe pump, syringe valve, pressurized reagent bottle, pressure regulator, microsolenoid valves, and sensors, etc, as shown in Figure 1.
A MEMS flow sensor was designed, fabricated, and integrated in the liquid dispensing system. Besides, an advanced compound fuzzy control strategy was introduced to control the valve open time in each dispensing cycle. With feedback information from the flow sensor, the dispensing system could self-adjust the open time of the solenoid valve automatically so as to dispense the desired volumes of reagents over a large range of viscosities, as well as detect air bubbles or nozzle clogs in real time. First, the design, fabrication, and calibration of the key component in dispensing system (the flow sensor) are introduced in detail. Then, the compound fuzzy control strategy is expounded. Finally, the experimental results are given to show the precision of this liquid dispensing system.Figure 1.
The schematic of the non-contact adaptive precise liquid dispensing system.2.?The MEMS flow sensor2.1. Design and FabricationsIn the proposed liquid dispensing instrument, an integrated high-speed liquid flow sensor based on the measurement of pressure difference across a flow restriction is presented. It provides closed-loop control for accurately dispensing liquids over a large range of viscosities, as well as detecting air bubbles or nozzle clogs in real time. The functional layout of the sensor chip is shown in Figure 2.Figure 2.The layout of the sensor chip.The sensor chip consists of two piezo-resistive sensor dies and a micro-machined channel. By use of anodic bonding process, the glass wafer is mounted on the silicon wafer.
The pressure drop induced by liquid flow across the micro-machined channel at Anacetrapib low Reynolds numbers is expressed as in (1) [17]:��P=Qv��C��L2ADh2(1)where ��P is the pressure drop (Pa), Qv is the volumetric flow rate (m3/s), C is a dimensionless friction factor [1], �� is fluid dynamic viscosity (Pa.s), L is the channel length (m), A is the channel cross section (m2), and Dh is the equivalent hydraulic diameter (m).Based on (1), the flow rate can be obtained from the pressure drop.