In addition, home care nurses often express dissatisfaction with

In addition, home care nurses often ARRY-162 research buy express dissatisfaction with the home care given to terminally ill Turkish or Moroccan patients, because of communication problems, the patients’ lack of knowledge of the disease, or difficulties in making suitable appointments with the patient or with the family. Conclusion Nurses and GPs cite chiefly similar factors influencing access to and use of home care as family members

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical did in a previous study. However, according to GPs and nurses, the main barrier to the use of home care concerns communication problems, while relatives cited the preference for family care as the main reason for abstaining from the use of home care. Background Many studies indicate that care at the end of life does not reach all patients equally: migrants for example tend to receive less end-of-life care in hospices or at home [1-7] Moreover, when they do receive care, the care is often hampered by communication problems [8-10]. Additionally in the Netherlands, where providing care to terminal

patients Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and their families Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is one of the tasks of home care organizations, care at home seems to reach relatively few migrants [11-13]. To understand the inequality in the use of care services, the history and background of immigration is relevant. Between 1965 and 1980 large groups of workers from Turkey and Morocco came to the Netherlands. Initially, they came without their families and had the intention to return to their native countries. However, since economic circumstances in these countries were not as good as in the Netherlands, many of them decided to stay and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to bring their wives and children to their new country. Although the majority of male migrants in particular integrated rather easily Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical into the lower ranges of the labor market, their integration regarding cultural aspects was less pronounced. Broadly speaking, the educational level of these migrant groups is lower than of the general population; in particular

the first generation tends not to have mastered the Dutch language through very well and many of them are living in deprived areas, with few contacts with people from outside their own community [14]. This might partially explain why they have less contact with Dutch home care facilities. Less use of home care can also be explained by demographic figures, as the migrant population in general is younger than the Dutch population. However, the number of Turkish and Moroccan elderly living in the Netherlands has doubled in the last ten years: in 1996 only 15,380 Turks and 13,875 Moroccans over 55 years of age were living in the Netherlands while in 2007, 31,742 Turks and 28,109 Moroccans were counted [15]. It can therefore be expected that in the next decades more and more people within these migrant groups will develop a terminal illness.

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