No recommendation. The imaging of kidneys prior to donor nephrectomy can be accomplished by several means, including: ultrasound (US); conventional angiography BMS-777607 research buy (CA); digital subtraction angiography (DSA); computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), each of which has inherent limitations, strengths and weaknesses. A single modality to assess vasculature, renal parenchyma and urinary drainage is preferred. The pre-nephrectomy anatomy which most anticipates complications during the transplant procedure
is the presence or absence of variant arteries. Numerous studies have assessed the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of each imaging technique click here in relation to surgical anatomy. The objective
of this guideline is to outline the best means of assessing donor kidney anatomy prior to surgery. Databases searched: MeSH terms and text words for kidney transplantation were combined with MeSH terms and text words for angiography, X-ray computed tomography and magnetic resonance angiography. The search was carried out in Medline (1966 – September Week 1, 2006). The Cochrane Renal Group Trials Register was also searched for trials not indexed in Medline. The Register searches all major medical electronic databases, including Embase. Date of searches: 19 September 2006. Update search: Databases searched: MeSH terms and text words for kidney transplantation were combined with MeSH terms and text words for living donor and combined with MeSH terms and text words for open and laparoscopic nephrectomy. The search was carried out in Medline (1966 – March Week 1, 2009). The Cochrane Renal Group Trials Register was also searched for trials not indexed in Medline. Date of searches: 9 March 2009. Six studies published from 1978 to 2000 compared operative findings with angiographic findings.1–6
The sensitivity in detecting accessory renal arteries ranged from 67%–100% (mean 86%). This method is useful for the detection of fibromuscular dysplasia. Seven studies published from 1985 to 2006 compared operative findings with these digital subtraction angiography (DSA) findings.7–13 The sensitivity in detecting accessory renal arteries ranged from 60%–91% (mean 81%). This method is useful for the detection of fibromuscular dysplasia. Twenty-nine studies published from 1995 to 2006 compared operative findings with CT angiographic findings.3,5,6,8,9,12–35 The sensitivity in detecting accessory renal arteries ranged from 40%-100% (mean 84%). In studies with more than 100 participants, the mean sensitivity was 86%. This technique detects early branching with a mean sensitivity of 81%, but may miss fibromuscular dysplasia (incidence uncertain). Sixteen-slice machines are considered to be superior to 4-slice machines. Tombul et al.