Sílvio Sanches Veiga for the Alexa 488 anti-mouse
immunoglobulin G. This work was supported by HDAC inhibitor Fapemig and Fundação Araucária/PPSUS (11403/192). Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare that this research was conducted in the absence of any commercial relationship that could create a potential conflict of interest. “
“Many earlier studies have demonstrated that rotaviruses, like any other enteric viruses are shed in stools and primarily transmitted through fecal-oral route, person-to-person contact and fomites [1] and [2]. There has been evidence that rotaviruses may also be transmitted to individuals through respiratory droplets [2], [3] and [4]. The human rotavirus vaccine strain, HRV mimics natural rotavirus infection, replicates in the intestine of the vaccinated infants and provides protection against future rotavirus infections [5]. Studies with the human rotavirus vaccine have demonstrated that the vaccine virus is shed in the stools of vaccinated infants, with the peak shedding observed on Day 7 after first dose (76–80% of infants after Dose 1 and 18–29% of infants after Dose 2) [6]. Due
to the shedding of infectious vaccine virus in stools, there is a theoretical possibility for vaccine virus to be transmitted to unvaccinated or naive infants—a process similar to that observed in natural wild-type rotavirus infection mTOR inhibitor [7]. Such transmissions are possibly expected from any live attenuated vaccines such as oral polio vaccine [8]. The phenomenon of transmission of the rotavirus vaccine strain to unvaccinated individuals raises questions about
the safety of the vaccine and the possibility of conferring indirect protection particularly in developing country settings where the vaccine coverage might be incomplete as compared to the developed countries [9]. The current study was the first of its kind that explored the possibility of horizontal transmission of the HRV rotavirus vaccine strain from one twin who received HRV vaccine to the other twin who received placebo Dipeptidyl peptidase living under the same household. The immunogenicity and safety of the rotavirus vaccine in transmission cases was also assessed. This phase IIIb, randomized (1:1), placebo-controlled, double-blind study conducted at one urban site in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (106260/NCT00396630). Baseline data from all major pediatric hospitals and nurseries was obtained in advance. Parents were informed of the study by presentations at maternity centers, distribution of brochures in health centers and by providing information to pregnant women and new parents visiting maternity centers and vaccination sites. Pairs of healthy twins living in the same household, aged 6–14 weeks at the time of enrolment, born after a gestational period of ≥32 weeks attending local primary healthcare centers, were referred to the site and recruited by the participating physicians.