Step 4. Calculate entropy weight of each dangerous goods transport enterprise. Standardize the matrix which covers all the factors that may affect the safety assessment of dangerous goods transport enterprises and then we can get the standardized matrix R. Now we can calculate entropy weight of all factors based on analysis of Table 4; the results are showed as in Table 5. Table 5 Entropy weights of evaluation indexes of Fostamatinib molecular weight dangerous goods transport enterprise security evaluation. Step 5. Introduce entropy weight into attribute matrix B′ and get B *; then we can, respectively, work
out the positive ideal point and negative ideal point: pi+=0.7408,1.3977,1.3977,1.7415,1.3736,1.1120,0.7408Tpi−=0.5556,0.9318,0.9318,1.1610,1.0302,0.8340,0.5556T. (21) Step 6. Calculate closeness of safety of each dangerous goods transport enterprise and rank the order; then we can get the preference order from expert 1 (see Table 6). Table 6 The order of closeness. Similarly, we can get the reference order from
other experts (see Tables Tables77 and and88). Table 7 The order of closeness. Table 8 The order of closeness. Step 7. Establish optimization model based on the relative entropy aggregation in group decision making, and we can work out the weight factors of experts 1, 2, and 3, respectively, which are 0.32, 0.36, and 0.32. Then we discuss the solution of nonlinear programming problems (P) and we can get the optimal solution as Xg∗=0.2649,0.2349,0.2090,0.1398,0.1416. (22) As we know, the value of x gj * in X g * reflects the safety level of dangerous goods transport enterprise. The big value
for x gj * indicates the enterprise j has more capability to make further development, but not vice versa. Therefore, the final order is as follows: Enterprise 1, Enterprise 2, Enterprise 3, Enterprise 5, and Enterprise 4. So energetic efforts should be put to regulate Enterprise 4. 5. Conclusions Considering the dynamic nature on index value of safety assessment of dangerous goods transport enterprise and nonparity property of weight given by expert, we proposed the safety assessment model of multiobjective dangerous goods transport enterprise based on entropy and the safety assessment optimization model of dangerous Cilengitide goods transport enterprise based on the relative entropy aggregation in group decision making. Then we get the assessment result by discussing the solution. Finally, through assessing the safety of five dangerous goods transport enterprises in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, we can see that the improved method we proposed in this paper is practicable and can provide vital decision making basis for reorganizing the dangerous goods transport enterprises. Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of Higher School of Science and Technology research projects (Project no. NJZC13030201025009) and the Inner Mongolia Natural Science Projects (Project no. 2014BS0501).