Table 1 Recommended target wait times (days) for cancer operation

Table 1 Recommended target wait times (days) for cancer operations based on assigned priority category, as established by the Cancer Care Ontario sub-committee on cancer wait times Priority category check details Clinical conditions Consult to decision-to-treat* Ready-to-treat to operation P1 Patients requiring surgery to remove known or suspected cancers that have immediately life-threatening conditions (e.g., airway obstruction, hemorrhage, neurological compromise) Immediate Immediate P2 Patients diagnosed

with very aggressive tumours, such as central nervous system (CNS) cancer 14 14 P3 All patients with known or suspected invasive cancer that does not meet the criteria of urgency category II or IV 14 28 P4 Patients diagnosed mTOR inhibitor with indolent tumours 14 84 *From the date of the patient’s first visit to the operating surgeon for this specific problem until the decision-to-treat date. The decision-to-treat date is the date on which sufficient Tanespimycin pre-treatment testing is complete, the physician can reasonably assume that the patient will be treated, and the patient has agreed to the treatment. By

this date, sufficient assessment will have been completed in order to reasonably assume that the procedure will go ahead, and an operating room booking is requested. All adults (age 18 and older) undergoing elective cancer surgery with curative intent and whose decision-to-treat and operation dates fell within the defined study periods 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase were included. We excluded patients whose cases were booked in emergency or ACCESS OR time, and patients who were assigned a P1 priority status, since they required an imminent operation and thus were typically operated on non-electively. We also excluded patients who underwent surgery to remove benign or pre-malignant tumours, to correct or repair defects from previous cancer operations (reconstructive surgery), or to provide palliation. Analyses were carried out on the basis of surgeries performed by general surgeons,

as well as the overall patient population. Continuous variables were compared using the Mann–Whitney U-test. Categorical variables were compared using chi-square or Fisher’s exact tests where indicated. P-values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Statistical analysis was performed using Graphpad Prism Version 5 (Graphpad, La Jolla, California). Results We identified a total of 732 patients who underwent cancer surgery by the general surgeons at VH across the two study periods (Table 2). There were 365 elective cancer surgeries performed in the post-ACCESS, compared to 367 cases performed in the pre-ACCESS period. Overall, there was no difference in the median wait-times (25 versus 23 days) between the eras for elective general surgery cancer operations (p = 0.82).

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