Table 2 Functional groups of genes identified Compound Library order in L. garvieae CECT 4531 according to the COG database Functional Group Homologous in L. lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 Homologous in S. pneumoniae TIGR4 Amino acid transport and metabolism 14 10 Carbohidrate transport
and metabolism 24 15 Cell cycle control, cell division, cromosome partitioning 4 2 Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis 5 4 Coenzime transport and metabolism 1 1 DNA replication, recombination and repair 8 12 Energy production and conversion 11 6 Inorganic ion transport and metabolism 4 5 Intracellular trafficking, secretion and vesicular transport 4 2 Lipid transport and metabolism 2 0 Nucleotide transport and metabolism 15 11 Phage capside proteins 1 0 Post translational modification, protein turnover, chaperones 8 8 Signal transduction mechanisms 2 3 Transcription 7 6 Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis 64 60 Unknown function 23 11 Total 197 156 Table 3 In silico analysis of the available sequences of the genes detected in L. garvieae by CGH Gene ID GenBank accession number of L. garvieae sequence L. garvieae strain Similarity with L. lactis
subsp. lactis IL1403 gene (%) Similarity with array probe (%) als EF450031 UNIUD074 77 76 atpD AX111128 from patent WO0123604 86 86 ddl AF170808 E. serolicida 72 75 galK EU153555 DSM 20684 BGB324 78 79 pfk AB024532 SA8201 85 84 tig AB024531 SA8201 82 – tuf AX109994 from patent WO0123604 80 77 Results for the L. lactis subsp. Cepharanthine lactis IL1403 array based-CGH Table 4 In silico analysis of the available sequences of the genes detected in L. garvieae by CGH Gene ID GenBank accession number of L. garvieae sequence L. garvieae strain Similarity with S. pneumoniae TIGR4 gene (%) Similarity with array probe
(%) SP1508 AX111128 from patent WO0123604 82 82 SP0896 AB024532 SA8201 80 79 SP0766 AM490328 JIP 31-90 (2) 71 79 AJ387925 CIP 102507 T 70 70 AJ387923 E. serolicida ATCC49156 70 70 SP04000 AB024531 SA8201 74 – SP1489 AX109994 from patent WO0123604 80 79 SP1219 AB364641 20-92 84 86 AB364640 Lc.1236 84 85 AB364639 Lc. 925 85 85 AB364638 Lc. 881 84 84 AB364637 Lc. 337 85 85 AB364633 LMG9472 85 85 AB364632 ATCC43921 84 84 AB364627 G50202 84 84 AB364626 KGLA5224 84 84 AB364625 EH5803 83 83 AB364624 KG9408 84 84 Results for the S. pneumoniae TIGR4 array based-CGH Discussion In the present study, commercial microarrays of L. lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 and S. pneumoniae TIGR4 were used to determine the presence of homologous genes in L. garvieae. Both L. lactis and S. pneumoniae were chosen as reference organisms because they are closely related to L. garvieae [18, 19] and their genomes have been fully sequenced.