The common screening system which has been successfully applied to find photosynthetic mutants, the screening for acetate requiring C. reinhardtii strains (Spreitzer and Mets 1981), is therefore inappropriate for the aim of finding algae with
a continuous and nutrient-independent H2-production capability. Thus, a screening system which specifically targets algal strains with a lowered P/R ratio was developed based on the Winkler EGFR inhibitor test used to determine the level of dissolved oxygen in water samples (Rühle et al. 2008). The Winkler test, which detects the presence of oxygen in four chemical reactions, can be applied to phototrophically grown green transformant microalgae to
identify strains that are photosynthetically competent but do not evolve O2 as the latter is consumed by the cell’s own respiration (P/R < 1) (Rühle et al. 2008). To carry out this screening protocol, colonies from an algal mutant library are transferred to 48-well plates (Corning incorporated, costar®; Corning New York, total well volume of 1.6 ml) containing 200 μl of TAP-medium per well. To grow the cells, the plates are exposed to low light for several days. To induce the same physiological state in each well, 800 μl of fresh TAP-medium and a sterile solid glass bead (diameter 3 mm) are added to the individual cell suspensions in order to prepare them for the Dinaciclib chemical structure screening. These glass beads are very efficient for mixing algal suspensions in multi-well plates. The plates to be screened are then placed on a shaker in the light (40–80 μE m−2 s−1) for 6 h. To “reset” the O2 concentration of each well just prior the screening procedure, the PLEKHB2 plates are transferred to an anaerobic glove box in the dark (e.g., Glove Bag™, inflatable glove chamber model “X”, I2R®/Glas-Col,, which is flushed with N2, or an anaerobic tent. This anaerobic incubation of the cells in the dark results in
a complete respiratory consumption of dissolved O2. To induce photosynthetic O2 evolution of the cells, the plates are then exposed to light (70–100 μE m−2 s−1) for 20–30 min. Now, the chemical reactions of the Winkler test are induced by successively adding 10 μl MnCl2 (0.34 M) and 10 μl KI/NaOH (0.24 M/1.2 M) to each well. In the alkaline solution, dissolved O2 will oxidize the Mn(II) ions to Mn(III) ions. After mixing, 50 μl H3PO4 (v/v 50%) are added in order to acidify the solution and dissolve the brown manganese precipitate. The Mn(II) cations liberated oxidize iodide (I−) to iodine (I2). All these steps are conducted while the plates are still in the anaerobic environment to avoid atmospheric O2 to diffuse into the algal suspensions and falsify the results. The subsequent steps can then be performed under aerobic conditions.