The general AMP down regulation detected in the hemocytes of Vibrio injected mussels confirms previous qPCR data. Similarly, putative acute phase response proteins and the macro phage Migration Inhibitory Factor were under expressed. Conversely, probes pointing to Allo selleck chemicals graft inflammatory factor 1, SOD, small HSP20, plasmi nogen as well as various recognition receptors and molecules supporting intracellular signalling or cytoskeleton remodelling motility were commonly up regulated. Compared to the early response, after 2 days we detected a significant expression of proteases and pro tease inhibitors, LITAF and sequences suggesting various cell functions. In general, no consistent trends could be defined for the C1q like and lectin like molecules.
Due to their abundance and high sequence diversity, further study is necessary to understand their constitutive Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and PAMP induced expression in mussel hemocytes. Based on the Immunochip hybridization data, the molecular pathways and gene functions mapping out the mussel hemocyte response to the Vibrio injection are modelled in Figure 5. Functionally similar to dendri tic cells or macrophages, the mussel hemocytes display a pleiotropic response to the bacterial attack. Interacting with bacterial PAMPs, versatile and redundant recogni tion receptors undergo conformational changes, oligo merization or clustering. The subsequent activation of cross talking signal transduction pathways adjusts the biochemical cell machinery towards the expression of specific gene sets and key effector molecules.
Pathogen induced Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries oxidative burst and damage associated molecular patterns also sustain the inflammasome activation and intracellu lar signalling. Eventually, the endolysosomal and proteasome systems, secretory pathways and whole cell Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries behaviour are recruited to achieve the pathogen killing. Overview of the mussel response to live Vibrio splendidus The most ancient defences of Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the living organisms are based on neuropeptide Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and protein hormone receptors, receptor kinases and PRR able to signal the danger and increase the expression of various inflammatory and effector molecules. In view ONX-0914 ic50 of the most recently sequenced invertebrate genomes, the pleiotropic innate immune responses could be described as a coordinated system of elements rapidly evolving and expanding the ability for pathogen sensing targeting, and evolutionary conserved regulatory factors which finely adjust basic cell processes and direct the development and perfor mance of the immune cells. Ancient signalling pathways like those of MAPKs and NFkB are not exclusive of the immune responses and, not solved by standard sequence searching, the identifi cation of invertebrate interleukine homologues makes new exploratory approaches necessary.