The involvement of PKC nutrients in-the regulation of the PI3K AKT/PKB route was recently proposed. Protein kinase C represents a group of Serine/Threonine kinases implicated in a variety of cellular responses including growth, difference, gene appearance, membrane move, release and change. Early observations that PKC isoenzymes are triggered from the tumorpromoting phorbol esters proposed a key role for PKC in cyst promotion and progression, ergo being thought to be targets for cancer therapy. The PKC isoforms are grouped into traditional PKCs, that need DAG for initial and Ca 2, novel PKCs, AG-1478 153436-53-4 that are Ca 2 independent but answer DAG, and atypical PKCs, that are insensitive to both Ca 2 and DAG. Although these enzymes share comparable structural domains, they vary regarding their tissue distribution and sub cellular localization. Each of the PKC isoforms seems to accomplish specific functions since many PKCs are often expressed within the same cell, although it is probable that some useful redundancy also exists. Furthermore, the features of PKC isoforms in proliferation o-r apoptosis might be other, of the five family members of PKC, PKC and PKC? While PKC and PKC were associated with differentiation and get a handle on of apoptosis, were implicated in cell proliferation. Though, in breast cancer cells and in glioblastomas, PKC was also found Cholangiocarcinoma to modify proliferation. A talk between the PKC and PI3K pathways was recently suggested as one of the mechanisms controlling cellular proliferation and apoptosis. PDK1, downstream of PI3K, phosphorylates and activates both AKT and PKC. Several PKC isoforms confirmed both positive and adverse effects on AKT phosphorylation and activation. Here we show the PKC isoform is a negative regulator of the AKT pathway in MCF 7 chest adenocarcinoma cancer cells. The IGF I o-r insulin stimulated phosphorylation of AKT was restricted by the induced expression of PKC in these cells. The phosphorylation on AKT, seen in response to IGF I activation in cells expressing PKC, was in connection with inhibition of cell proliferation. We further show that both PKC and IGF I confer protection against UV induced apoptosis, having an additive effect. Even though protective effect of IGF I against UVinduced cell death concerned activation of AKT, it absolutely was not affected by PKC appearance, indicating that PKC functions through a different route to increase cell survival. MCF 7 cells inducibly expressing PKC o-r MCF 7 cells inducibly expressing PKC were previously described. Cells were grown in Dulbeccos Modified Eagle Medium containing 100 U/ml penicillin, 0. 1 mg/ml streptomycin, 2 mM 1 glutamine and 10% Fetal Bovine Serum in a five full minutes CO2 humidified atmosphere at 3-7 C. The expression of PKC o-r PKC was induced by treatment of tetracycline from their growth medium.