The Lean fish showed an enhanced response to low dietary n 3 LC PUFA and the expression Brefeldin A solubility of 5fad, 6fad, elovl5b and elovl2 in the intestine showed high plasticity and was reflected in tissue biochemical com position indicating that their transcriptional regulation might be under feedback control by n 3 LC PUFA, mainly DHA. Lower n 3 LC PUFA in VO increased lipo genesis in Lean salmon, assessed by expression of FAS, while B oxidation appeared unaffected, although tran scripts involved in mitochondrial respiratory or electron transport chains were down regulated, suggesting reduced activity in fish fed VO. Higher expression of genes and proteins involved in xenobiotic metabolism, antioxidant defence, and apoptosis were observed in VO fed fish, suggesting they might be responding to higher levels of contaminants, particularly PAH, in the diet.
However, the intestine appeared able to metabolize and detoxify xenobiotic substances potentially present in the diet without major deleterious effects. Nonetheless, the data suggest that further attention should be given to contaminants in VO in the future. On the other hand, the data indicate potential genotype specific differences in the response of the intestinal transcriptome and proteome to dietary VO. These include potential changes in structural properties of the intestinal layer and defence against cellular stress suggesting the Lean group was more susceptible to diet induced oxidative stress.
Considering the possibility of selecting families better adapted to alternative diet formulations, and the central role of intestine as a major barrier to nutrients, contaminants and pathogens, greater attention should be given to this organ when evaluating the effects of diet and genotype. Methods Feeding trial and sampling A dietary trial was conducted using two genetically char acterized groups of Atlantic salmon post smolts comprising full sib families selected from a breeding program. The choice of the family groups was based on estimated breeding values of the par ents for high or low flesh adiposity, assessed by Torry Fatmeter, a trait that was found to have a heritability ranging from 0. 17 to 0. 39 in this dataset. The two groups were created from four unrelated full sib families, two families from the extreme lower end of the EBV distribution for flesh lipid content and two families from the extreme upper end of the distribution.
The average EBV for the lipid content of the Fat families was 2. 00 percentage units higher than that of the Lean families, representing a standardised selection differential of 2. 33 standard deviations. Assessment of the flesh and visceral lipid contents at the end of the trial confirmed differences in adiposity between the groups. Two thousand fish of each group were stocked into AV-951 eight 12 x 5m3 net pens at the Ardnish Fish Trials Unit.