The LSM threshold ≥ 14.0 kPa identified here as a risk factor for HCC is in agreement with previously
reported cut-off values for liver cirrhosis,[15, 16] further supporting the idea that pre-existing liver cirrhosis increases the risk of HCC development. Similar to LSM, the platelet count reflects the severity of CHC[21] and is used to estimate the degree of fibrosis.[23-25] Previous reports have also shown low platelet counts to represent a risk of HCC.[23, 24] Our cohort showed that LSM was sometimes high even in patients Antiinfection Compound Library price without a low platelet count, whereas other patients had a low platelet count without LSM elevation. Such patients are nevertheless at risk of HCC, suggesting that LSM and platelet count indicate advanced fibrosis or compensated cirrhosis in a complementary manner. In agreement with a previous report, our findings indicate that LSM could be used to stratify the risk of HCC development in CHC patients.[26] Moreover, combination of LSM with platelet count and the IFN-therapeutic effect could be used to stratify the risk
of HCC in patients receiving IFN therapy. Patients without all three risk factors had a very low risk of HCC development, and patients with 1 or 2 risk Sunitinib factors had a moderate risk. Conversely, patients with all three risks had an extremely high risk. In clinical practice, frequency of HCC surveillance should be decided based on HCC risk. Indeed, each of these three factors has previously been shown to be associated with the risk of developing HCC. However, here, we have proposed a new, non-invasive risk assessment based on the combination of LSM and two other factors. In the present study, we did not identify advanced histological fibrosis stage F3–4 as a risk factor for HCC likely because of liver biopsy sampling variability because patients were not excluded based on the length of liver biopsy samples, an important factor affecting variability in histological assessment of liver fibrosis.[15] Taken together, these findings suggest that LSM would be more useful than liver biopsy Adenylyl cyclase for diagnosis of patients with liver cirrhosis who are at high risk
of HCC, especially those with compensated cirrhosis. Our data indicate patients with all of the three risk factors require the most intensive HCC surveillance; however, this study does have a few limitations. One drawback is that LSM failure and unreliable results occur in some patients. In our cohort, 9.0% of patients who received LSM did not yield reliable results. Because subcutaneous fat attenuates the transmission of share waves and the ultrasonic signals into the liver used to determine LSM, obesity is the principal reason for LSM failure.[27] In addition, it is likely that obesity itself is associated with an increased risk of HCC.[28] As a result, our findings might not reflect the risk of HCC in obese patients.