The most common two drug combination therapy involved in the study was Amlodipine + Atenolol 7% followed by Metoprolol + Amlodipine 1%. Prescribing patterns of antihypertensive were classified into two types like with comorbidities 38%, and without comorbidities 62%. Among these comorbidities Cerebrovascular Accident Hemiplegia 21%, Diabetic Mellitus 13%, Diabetic Mellitus + Hemiplegia 4% and the detailed drugs prescribed with comorbid conditions were summarized in Table 4. Among these without comorbidities were divided into two types of drugs prescribed with single drug 39% and combination drug therapy 23%, these results were summarized in Table 5.
Table 3 Prescription pattern of anti-Hypertensive drug monotherapy Table 4 Use of anti-hypertensive drugs in hypertension patients with co-morbidities Table 5 Use of Anti-hypertensive drugs in hypertension patients with no co-morbidities DISCUSSION With increasing economic growth rate, India is not only facing the epidemic of Coronary Artery Disease but also of obesity, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. Prevalence of hypertension has remained stable or has decreased in developed countries during the past decade; it has dramatically increased in developing countries like India.[6,7] Our finding shows that the prescribing patterns of anti-hypertensive drugs in geriatrics out-patient department during the study period was found to be higher in men 69% than in women 31%. High blood pressure is more common in men then women. The women’s were more likely to develop high blood pressure after menopause.
[6] The risk of high blood pressure increases with age and in the early middle age.[4,6,8] Cilengitide In the present study 76% of the patients were Literate, 57% were employed, 31% of the patients having the monthly income of 5000-10000 and 20% were smokers and 15% were alcoholic patients. During the study period 80% of the patients were Pre-Hypertensive systolic (80-89 mmHg) and Diastolic (120-139 mmHg) followed by Stage-I Hypertension and Stage-II Hypertension. The most commonly prescribed drug classes involved in the study was Calcium Channel Blockers 37% followed by Angiotensin II receptor antagonists selleck compound 21% and the most commonly prescribed drugs in the study population were Amlodipine 37%, Losartan 11% and Telmisartan 10%. These results were compared with Datta S et al., and Almas A et al., conducted at tertiary care hospital shown that Calcium Channel Blocker- Amlodipine is the most commonly used antihypertensive monotherapy and Neal B et al., study results shown that the strong evidence of benefits of calcium antagonists is provided by the overviews of placebo-controlled trials.