The QuikSCAT satellite was launched into a sun-synchronous, 98.6�� inclination, 803 km circular orbit with a local equator crossing time at the ascending node of 6:00 am �� 30 min and a swath width of 1800 km (Callahan 2006). It uses a rotating dish antenna with two pencil beams that sweep in a circular pattern at incidence angles of 46�� (horizontally polarized) and 52�� (vertically polarized). QuikSCAT carries the SeaWinds instrument, the first satellite-borne scanning radar Ku-band scatterometer which measures the surface roughness of the ocean, affected by the wind magnitude and direction, by transmitting microwave pulses (13.4 GHz) and receiving the backscatter.
Multiple and simultaneous normalized radar cross section (��o) values are obtained from the backscatter power at a single geographical location or wind vector cell (WVC) and converted to wind speed and direction measurements (10 m neutral winds) using a Geophysical Model Function (GMF) (Callahan 2006; M. H. Freilich, SeaWinds Algorithm Document). Up to four solutions are obtained at each WVC, with different goodness-to-fit (residual) between the ��o and model function, with approximately the same wind speed but different wind directions. The final measurement from these solutions is chosen using the ambiguity removal algorithm, the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) (Shaffer et al. 1991). MLE incorporates the Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), by the National Centers of Environmental Prediction (NCEP), output as the initial field, or ��first guess��, to choose the best solution (nudging technique).
The NWP wind field is spatially interpolated, 2.5�� resolution 1000 mb (��100 m) global data analysis model Batimastat outputs closest in time to the QuikSCAT pass. The issue of degraded ambiguity removal at far swath and decrease in directional accuracy near nadir are addressed using two algorithms, namely the Direction Interval Retrieval (DIR) and Threshold Nudging (TN) algorithms, combined to form the DIRTH algorithm (Stiles 1999). DIRTH calculates a range of wind directions that is representative of the selected ambiguity in each wind vector cell. DIR then applies a median filter over the entire swath to determine the final wind vector selections (Stiles 1999; Callahan 2006).
The process generates Level 2B ocean wind vectors at 25 km and 12.5 km swath grid Carfilzomib products. The 12.5 km resolution Level 2B winds are produced from ��slices�� of the ellipsoidal instantaneous antenna footprint with a simplified 1|]# backscatter averaging scheme and different land contamination criteria that is particularly useful to resolve the coastal winds (Tang et al. 2004).