The samples of ice cream were produced using a processor (Britania, Curitiba, Brazil) with a churning speed of 815 rpm at −8 °C. The samples were cooled in a freezer (Consul, Whirlpool
S.A., São Paulo, Brazil) at −20 ± 1 °C and stored under this condition until the analysis was carried out. The samples IC4, IC6 and IC8 were prepared following the procedure described above, but without addition of the TG enzyme. The chemical parameters evaluated this website were pH, fat (Soxhlet method), proteins (Kjeldahl method), total sugars (titration), ash and total solids (gravimetric method) (AOAC, 2005). The overrun was evaluated as ((Wt. of mix − Wt. of same vol. of ice cream)/Wt. of same vol. of ice cream) × 100% (Wildmoser, Scheiwiller, &
Windhab, 2004). The fat destabilization of the ice cream samples was evaluated according to the methodology proposed by Goff and Jordan (1989). The ice cream was diluted 500 times with distilled and deionized water and then centrifuged for 5 min at 1200 g (Jaetzki K24, Jena, Germany). The absorbance was measured 10 min later at 540 nm (spectrophotometer model Hitachi U2010, U2010, Tokyo, Japan). Distilled and deionized water was used as the blank. Fat destabilization was calculated as (Amix − Afrozen)/Amix × 100. The melting rate of the ice cream samples was evaluated using the Lee and White (1991) method. The sample (120 g) was placed on a grid with 2 mm hole diameter in a funnel that drained into a graduated cylinder. The sample was allowed to melt in a controlled-temperature selleck room at 25.0 ± 1.0 °C. The weight of the drainage was determined at 10 min intervals and the percentage of melted ice cream was then calculated as a function of time. The rheological measurements of the samples of melted ice cream
were carried out with a Brookfield rotational rheometer with diglyceride a concentric cylinder (model DV-III Ultra, Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Stoughton, MA, USA) and a ULA spindle. Data were collected using the software 32 Rheocalc® version 2.5 (Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc, Middleboro, MA, USA). The rheometer was thermostatically controlled by a water circulator (model TE-184, TECNAL, São Paulo, Brazil) at 4.0 ± 0.1 °C, and the samples were left to stand for 15 min to ensure stability. The flow behavior of the samples was measured by the linearity of the shear rate from 19.6 to 67.3 s−1 in 20 min and returning to 19.6 s−1 over a further 20 min. The hysteresis of the samples was evaluated from de area between the shear stress/shear rate curves. The Power Law model (Equation (1)) was applied to describe the flow behavior and the consistency index of the samples treated with TG. The apparent viscosity of ice cream samples as a function of time at a constant shear rate was evaluated under a constant shear rate of 20 s−1.