This is an efficient, unsupervised, and accurate graph clustering approach based on simulation of sto chastic flow in graphs. To ensure significance of enrich ment, only resulting clusters with 10 or more genes were further retained. A distinct advantage of MCL is its abil ity to avoid incorrect clustering assignments in the pre sence of false negative edges. This is due to the fact that MCL discovers clusters by virtue of genes shar ing higher order connectivity in their local neighbor hoods and not merely pairwise linkages. Genes identified to be present in the same cluster were analyzed for over represented Gene Ontology Biological Process terms and KEGG pathways using the log odds ratio. Higher ratio indicates a higher relative abun dance of a GO BP term or KEGG pathway in a cluster compared to the entire network.
While all KEGG path ways were considered for enrichment, to avoid broad annotation terms, only GO BP categories with fewer than 1,500 genes were retained. Evolutionary gene analysis Evolutionary conservation was computed by comparing selected protein sequences from the core network against the complete genomes of 287 species available in the Complete Genome Track ing database database using BLAST with default parameters. Significant hits from this run have been retained with a p value cut off 10 06, corre sponding to 100532 pairwise similarity relationships. Homology networks were visualized using the Large Graph Layout software. Streptococcus suis is an important pathogen associated with many diseases in pigs, including menin gitis, septicaemia, pneumonia, endocarditis, and arthritis.
S. suis serotype 2 is considered the most patho genic as well as the most prevalent capsular type among thirty three serotypes in dis eased pigs, and it is also the causative agent of serious infections in humans, especially in people in close con tact with pig or pork byproducts. Two recent large scale outbreaks of human SS2 epidemics in China, featured clinical streptococcal toxic shock syn drome, have greatly challenged the global public health. Recently, S. suis infection has also caused sporadic human illness in other countries, including Thailand, United Kingdom, Portugal, Australia, Netherlands and United States, and been recognized as the third most common cause of community acquired bacterial meningitis in Hong Kong and as the leading cause of adult meningitis in Vietnam.
The past pathogenesis studies were performed mainly on the pathogenic bacteria and as a result, a few virulence associated factors have been successfully identified. Poly saccharide capsule has been considered essential for the virulence of the bacterium, and other factors, such as suilysin, the so called extracellular protein factor and muramidase Batimastat released protein have been shown to be linked to, but not essential for the full virulence of S. suis.