This was not due to inefficient labeling of the DNA as demonstrated by strong hybridization of the control DNA spiked into the labeling reaction. In contrast, LSplex amplified swab DNA hybridized with probes of Enterococcus faecium and Staphylococcus epidermidis (Fig. 5). The presence of these bacterial species was confirmed by routine microbiological culture followed by biochemical characterization. It should Tanespimycin clinical trial be noted that LSplex of the DNA from swab resulted in hybridization of a few probes from other bacteria (one of from K. pneumoniae, two from P. aeruginosa, three from S. aureus and one from S. pneumoniae) which were not identified by microbiological culture. These, however were only singletons in the
redundant set of dozens of species-specific probes, allowing the correct identification of pathogens present in the specimen. In summary the results of LSplex amplification of DNA from cotton swabs followed by microarray were in concordance with the standard microbiological techniques, whilst direct microarray identification of the pathogens was not successful. Figure 5 Application of LSplex for detection of bacterial mixtures from clinical specimens. Hybridization profiles Buparlisib generated by DNA isolated from cotton swab of superficial wound. DNA
was labeled prior to hybridization without amplification (green) or after LSplex (red). Each row represents an individual capture probe of the microarray, grouped by species or genus specific regions (see Additional file 2) as indicated in the left column. The boxes represent the positive hybridization signal of bacterial DNA (in color) or absence of hybridization (in white) with individual capture probes. The presence of E. faecium and S. epidermidis on swab was verified by routine microbiological diagnostic procedures. Discussion and conclusion The applicability of fluorescence-based DNA
microarrays for the direct detection and characterization of pathogens depends on amplification of the target DNA [21]. To compensate for the low sensitivity of such a multi-capture probe detection system, microarray analysis can be preceded of pathogen isolation and clonal expansion as a source for abundant DNA. A pre-amplification of the target DNA using a single-step Large Scale multiplex PCR (LSplex) could avoid such a time-consuming procedure. Although it is generally accepted that Multiplex PCR is potentially an ideal co-adjuvant for DNA microarrays in pathogen detection [21] there is, nevertheless, a limitation in the number of distinct PCR products that can be generated. Up to date, multiplex PCR was only combined with low-density microarray formats [22] and required either several parallel multiplex PCR reactions [5, 17, 23] or subsequent PCR steps [6, 24]. The complex nature of the interference between multiple primer pairs and targets [25, 26, 21] has limited conventional multiplex PCR in solution phase to a dozen of primer pairs [27–29].