0 g/unit) and the number of residual leukocytes 0.03��106/unit (CI 95% 0.00, 0.13��106/unit). The shelf life of RBC products is 35 days.Data collectionThe Finnish Intensive Care Consortium prospective database (Tieto Ltd, Helsinki, Finland) served as the source for routine selleck kinase inhibitor ICU data. The study-specific expansion of the database included study case report forms and calculation of KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) stage for each patient, continuously based on every measured hourly urine output and plasma creatinine. The daily case report forms were collected from ICU admission to day 5 in the ICU. The data collection consisted of AKI and AKI risk factors, including severe sepsis, using the definition of the American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine (ACCP/SCCM) [14].
Each patient was included into the study only once. For readmitted patients, only the admission with the oldest RBCs transfused was included in the analysis. Nine randomly chosen study sites were monitored for the reliability of the data collection with a structured monitoring plan. The dates and donation numbers of all RBC units transfused to study patients during their ICU stay were obtained directly from the participating ICUs. The Finnish Red Cross Blood Services provided information on RBC product details including donation and expiry dates. We obtained data on 90-day mortality from the Finnish Population Register Center.DefinitionsAKI was defined according to the KDIGO criteria [15]. Renal non-recovery was defined as dependence on RRT at day 90 [16].
The quartiles of transfused patients were defined by calculating the age of all RBCs transfused to the patient. The oldest RBC unit was chosen as the index unit to allocate the patient to the RBC age quartiles [17]. The lowest quartile (Q1) denotes patients with the freshest oldest RBC unit. Q2, Q3, and Q4 denote patients in the second, third and fourth quartiles, respectively. Massive blood transfusion was defined as transfusion of >10 RBC units in 24 hours.Statistical analysesData are presented as the median and IQR or as absolute number and percentage. We calculated 95% CI for the outcomes. We compared groups using the Mann�CWhitney U-test for continuous data, and the Fisher exact test for categorical data.
We studied factors associated with KDIGO stage 3 AKI during the first 5 days of ICU admission, hospital Entinostat mortality, and 90-day mortality as dependent variables in separate logistic regression models. Variables were selected for the reported models using the enter method. Covariates included in the model predicting KDIGO stage 3 AKI were: pre-ICU hypovolemia, pre-ICU use of colloids, presence of chronic kidney disease, simplified acute physiology score (SAPS) II (without age and renal components, that is, urine output, serum urea, potassium, HCO3), age, gender, RBC age quartile prior to the highest KDIGO AKI stage and number of RBC units transfused prior to AKI.