active for measuring mRNA expression and identifying differentially expressed genes. The hippocampal expression profiles of wild type mice and C doublecortin like kinase transgenic mice have been compared using Solexa selleck sequencing tech nology, as have differences in gene expression between the liver and kidney. Furthermore, the Illu mina Genome Analyzer II platform has been used to perform DGE analysis of the zebra fish transcriptome response to mycobacterium infection. However, DGE analysis has not been carried out on H PRRSV infected pigs. Herein histopathology, high throughput deep sequen cing and bioinformatics were utilized to analyze the relationship between pulmonary gene expression profiles after H PRRSV infection and infection pathology.
Com prehensive analysis of the global host response induced by H PRRSV demonstrated that aggressive replication and dissemination of H PRRSV resulted in an exces sively vigorous immune and inflammatory response, contributing to severe tissue damage and high patho genicity. This systems analysis could lead to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of H PRRSV and to the identification of genetic components associated with H PRRSV resistance susceptibility in swine populations. Results Clinical and pathological features of H PRRSV infected pigs H PRRSV infected pigs exhibited signs of high fever disease within 3 days post infection. They devel oped a persistent high fever of 41. 0 C 41. 7 C between 3d pi and 7d pi, presenting with reddening of the skin, dyspnoea, depression, anorexia, edema of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, mild diarrhea, rough hair coats, shivering and lamping.
Quantitative PCR demonstrated H PRRSV virus 4 and 7d pi in all tissues tested, namely serum, heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, lymph and brain. Moreover, the H PRRSV virus was successfully recovered from each of the eight tissues investigated in the affected pigs. Higher levels of H PRRSV virus were detected in serum, lung, spleen and lymph than in other tissues. Uninfected negative control pigs had no clinical signs of disease, and H PRRSV pathogens and viral re isolates were absent. Lungs of H PRRSV infected pigs presented with severe diffuse pulmonary consolidation lesions. Histo pathological examination of H PRRSV affected pigs demonstrated robust interstitial pneumonia and emphy sema in the lungs with thickening of alveolar septa accompanied by extensive infiltration of immune cells.
The highest Dacomitinib levels of viral antigen were detected in alveolar cells and bronchiolar epithelial cells of lesions. Analysis of DGE libraries Gene expression analysis was used to provide a global view of the host response in lungs of infected pigs in order to elucidate the aggressive virulence of H PRRSV. Three porcine lung DGE libraries were sequenced selleck chemicals from three C pigs, three pigs 96 h pi with H PRRSV and three pigs 168 h pi with H PRRSV using parallel sequencing on the Illumina platform. Major characteristics of these libraries are summarized in T