ral transduction of Syk short hairpin RNA and figure 2 STAT3 short hairpin RNA in HASM cells was performed as described earlier. Mock Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and lentiviral Syk or lentiviral STAT3 shRNA transduced HASM cells were cultured in presence of IgE, PDGF BB, FBS, or medium alone. and cell prolifer Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries ation was assessed by 3H thymidine incorporation assay. Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was performed by using GraphPad Prism Software Version 3. 02 for Windows. Data between groups was compared by using students unpaired t test. P values 0. 05 were considered statistically significant. Results IgE induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in HASM cells To test the mitogenic potential of IgE on human ASM cells, we performed 3H thymidine incorporation assay. While IgE did not affect cell survival, as shown in Figure 1A, IgE induced de novo DNA synthesis in HASM cells.
As e pected, PDGF induced promin ent increase in DNA synthesis and served as positive control. We further validated the IgE induced 3H thymidine incorporation data by using hemocytometer based cell counting. IgE induced thymidine incorporation appeared to have translated into increase in cell number compared to control, suggesting that IgE is able to induce Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries DNA synthesis and subsequent proliferation in HASM cells. In addition, we confirmed the proliferative effect of IgE on HASM cells by using EdU incorporation. As shown in Figure 1C, IgE clearly induced HASM cell proliferation, in almost similar manner to 3H thymidine incorporation and manual cell counting. Therefore, our data sug gest that IgE can induce HASM cell proliferation.
Lentivirus mediated Syk inhibition abrogates IgE induced HASM proliferation Fc��RI activation leads to a spectrum of signaling events in inflammatory cells, starting with phosphorylation of Lyn kinase followed by recruitment and phosphorylation of Syk. Activation of Syk then serves as an indispensable Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries mechanism of downstream propagation of signals lead ing to the activation of various kinases, transcription factors, mediator release, and survival. This suggests that inhibition silencing of Syk might be a use ful strategy to validate the role of Syk and Fc��RI pathway in IgE induced HASM cell proliferation. To test this, we utilized the lentiviral mediated Syk inhibition strategy, which we have reported earlier in IgE induced mediator release in HASM cells.
HASM cells were stably transduced with pseudotyped lentiviral vector e pressing specific Syk shRNA. Mock and scramble sequence were used as negative controls. As reported earlier, more than 95% of HASM cells were transduced by turbo GFP signal positivity by FACS analysis. Lentiviral Syk shRNA but not control scramble shRNA transduction resulted in a highly significant and reprodu Cilengitide cible decrease Vandetanib mechanism of action in Syk e pression, as shown by Western blotting. We then used these lentiviral transduced cells and stimulated them with IgE and PDGF. As shown in Figure 2B, scramble shRNA transduced HASM cells demonstrated a significant increase in thymi