ated second selleck ary antibodies in 5% milk. TBST. Blots were washed and ECL substrate used to visualize antibodies according to standard procedures. Immunocytochemistry Mice were transcardially perfused with ice cold PBS followed by 4% paraformaldehyde. Their brains were e tracted, post fi ed overnight and cryoprotected in 30% sucrose in PB for 24 hours. Coronal 30 um thick sections were cut on a sliding freezing microtome. Starting at a random point along the rostrocaudal a is of the brain, every si th section through the SVZ was immunostained for doublecortin to detect neuroblasts. Briefly, sec tions were incubated in 5% donkey for 1 hour followed by overnight incubation with goat anti DC . Secondary antibodies were anti goat IgG for 1 hour at room temperature.
Sections were incubated with Hoechst before cover slipping for imaging. Con focal images were taken on a Nikon D Eclipse C1 confocal microscope. The images of 1024 1024 y pi el and 8. 4 um z stack were taken using a 100 oil objective. Cell counting and statistical analysis The number of neuroblasts was counted independently by two investigators blinded to the treatment using a 20 objective by identifying dc positive cells with Hoechst labeled nuclei in the most populated dorsal quadrant of the SVZ. Cells were counted at the same area overlaying the entire width of the SVZ using 4 sec tions per brain. Statistical analyses were performed with Students t test or One Way Analysis of Variance with a Dunnetts or Bonferroni post hoc test where noted. A value of p 0. 05 considered as statisti cally significant.
Background Acute pancreatitis is often the most common reason for hospitalization from gastrointestinal diseases in West ern countries with an unpredictable clinical course. The incidence of AP has been progressively increasing in recent years in parallel with its risk factors such as duct obstruction by gallstones, alcohol abuse and obesity. Appro imately 25% of patients with AP develop a severe disease course that leads to systemic inflammation and multiple organ dysfunction with mortality rates of up to 50%. The onset of the disease is triggered by acinar events that involve premature intra acinar activation of digestive enzymes such as trypsinogen that induces autodigestion, the release of pro inflammatory cytokines and acinar cell injury.
AP remains without specific therapy and understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying its pathogenesis will aid in therapeutic intervention. Several animal Anacetrapib models of AP have been generated to investigate the pathogenesis and BIBW2992 to e plore potential therapeutic approaches. one of the most common is cerulein induced pancreatitis. Cerulein is an ortholog of the intestinal hormone cholecystokinin and at high concentrations causes pancreatic secretion of lipase and amylase, death of acinar cells, edema formation and the infiltration of inflammatory cells into the pancreas, all of which are also observed in human pancreatitis. The mechanism of cerulein action