This concept allows one to physically model the reliability of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors, and particularly negative bias temperature instability permanent part, and channel hot carrier to cold carrier damage. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3133096]“
“The nuclear envelope is a dynamic double-bilayer membrane that segregates the nucleus from the cytoplasm. During mitosis it breaks down in prophase and is reformed around the daughter selleck screening library chromosomes in late anaphase/telophase.
A similar nuclear envelope disassembly/assembly process takes place at fertilization around the sperm nucleus shortly after the sperm has penetrated the egg. Cell-free systems modeling the latter event have been devised in several non-mammalian species and are routinely used as models for somatic nuclear envelope
formation. They pose several advantages over working with more complex systems and to date a number of seminal discoveries in nuclear envelope formation have been made using such systems. We have used a cell-free system derived from sea urchin gametes to study the role of membrane fusion events in nuclear envelope formation, with particular attention to the role of phosphoinositide lipids and PLC gamma. This review will describe our findings and discuss how they integrate into the current model of nuclear envelope formation.”
“Low frequency noise and small output voltage are the strongest limitations to the use of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) for magnetic sensor applications, replacing giant magnetoresistance (GMR) and anisotropic magnetoresistance sensors. In this paper, we explore the possibility of using arrays with a large number of MTJs connected in parallel/series to overcome these limitations. MTJ’s sensor arrays of more than 3 x 10(3) junction elements in different configurations have been fabricated. Low frequency noise and detectivity have been measured and compared to an
analytical model, with detectivities of about 16 nT/Hz(1/2) achieved in a series/parallel architecture. This detectivity levels are competitive with single devices based on GMR, with the advantage of not requiring additional flux concentrators. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3139284]“
“Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) is an enzyme that first hydrolyzes the sn-2 position Y-27632 solubility dmso of phospholipids, preferentially a diacylphosphocholine, and then transfers the fatty acid to cholesterol to yield a cholesteryl ester. HDL ApoA-I is the principal catalytic activator for LCAT. Activity of LCAT on nascent or lipid-poor HDL particles composed of phospholipid, cholesterol and ApoA-I allows the maturation of HDL particles into lipid-rich spherical particles that contain a core of cholesteryl ester surrounded by phospholipid and ApoA-I on the surface. This article reviews the recent progress in elucidating structural aspects of the interaction between LCAT and ApoA-I.