As for enabling factors, in addition to the level of education, income, private or veterans insurance or medical assistance program (MAP) coverage, and family support, we examined the question of whether the level of older adults’ disability were associated with their use of antidepressant medication. Low-income homebound older adults are unlikely to seek and use treatment for their depression when managing their more-pressing disability and chronic medical conditions as well as paying for and taking medication for these conditions (Proctor et al. 2008). Having to take Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical multiple medications for multiple medical problems may also raise their concerns
about medication-interaction effects (Choi and Morrow–Howell 2007). The primary need factor was the level of depressive symptoms. In addition, we examined the intake of antianxiety and prescription pain medications as need factors, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical given that anxiety and pain may significantly increase depressive symptoms (Karp and Reynolds 2009; Lenze et al. 2001). These
were the study hypotheses regarding antidepressant use: among low-income, depressed, homebound older adults, the likelihood of taking antidepressants Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical would be (H1a) negatively associated with male gender, older age, and Black/African American and Hispanic race/ethnicity; (H1b) positively associated with a higher level of education, income, and family support, and with private or veterans (VA) insurance
or MAP coverage; (H1c) negatively associated with a higher level of disability; and (H1d) positively associated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with a higher level of depressive symptoms, antianxiety medication use, and pain medication use. Our literature search did not find any previous study that examined depressed VE-821 research buy patients’ self-reported perception of effectiveness Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of antidepressants. Measuring patients’ perceptions of effectiveness is inherently difficult, as those with poor treatment response to pharmacotherapy tend to have a higher incidence of noncompliance and treatment termination (Martin et al. 2009). Because of the absence of any previous research on patients’ perception of effectiveness and also because MTMR9 of the small number of antidepressant users who provided data on perceived effectiveness, we posited an exploratory hypothesis that the users’ perception of effectiveness would be negatively associated with male gender, older age, Black/African American and Hispanic race/ethnicity, and a higher level of depressive symptoms. Materials and Methods Participants The sample consisted of homebound adults, aged 50 or older, who participated in a study that examined the feasibility of short-term, telehealth (videoconferencing) problem-solving therapy.