However, the body of studies in this respect has become massive e

However, the body of studies in this respect has become massive enough to consider pesticide exposure Obeticholic Acid cell line as a potential risk factor for developing chronic diseases. Considering chronic diseases as the most important global health problems it is time to find a preventive approach in association

with agrochemicals by logical reducing pesticide use or pesticide dependency and find efficient alternatives for hazardous ones. There is no competing interest. Authors wish to thank assistances of INSF and TUMS. “
“Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is still the leading cause of acute liver failure and post-market drug withdrawals (Kaplowitz, 2005). Studies have shown that different risk factors can contribute to DILI such as genetic susceptibility factors, non-genetic factors including age, sex, diseases and compound factors including daily dose, metabolism characteristics, and drug-drug interactions (Chalasani and Bjornsson, 2010 and David and Hamilton, 2010). Preclinical animal studies cannot fully predict drug-toxicity in humans due to species-specific variations between human and animal hepatocellular functions (Pritchard et al., 2003). Human in vitro liver models currently used for

prediction of drug-induced toxicity include microsomes, cell lines, liver slices and primary hepatocytes ( Gebhardt et al., 2003, Guillouzo, 1998, Hewitt et al., 2007 and LeCluyse, 2001). Microsomes are used in high-throughput systems to assess drug metabolizing enzymes but lack the cellular machinery required for toxicity testing ( Donato et al., 2004). Although hepatoma cell lines such as HepG2 cells can be used for high-throughput screening, they have low levels of CYP activities and lack many key liver-specific functions ( Wilkening et al., 2003).

Specific hepatoma cell clones such as HepaRG have most of the specific liver functions at levels close to those found in primary human hepatocytes but they do not represent the genetic heterogeneity of human populations ( Guguen-Guillouzo and Guillouzo, 2010, Lubberstedt et al., 2011, McGill et al., 2011 and Pernelle et al., 2011). Liver slices retain in vivo liver architecture but have only short term viability and Amobarbital are not applicable to high-throughput screening ( Guillouzo, 1998). Primary hepatocytes growing in monolayer two-dimensional (2D) culture are easy to use but liver specific functions including drug metabolism rapidly decline under standard culture conditions allowing detection of acute drug-induced toxicity only ( Guguen-Guillouzo and Guillouzo, 2010, Hewitt et al., 2007, Lecluyse et al., 2012 and Sivaraman et al., 2005). Many modifications to standard culture models for primary hepatocytes have been developed to prolong hepatocyte function such as culturing of the cells in collagen type I/IV, fibronectin or other extracellular matrix (ECM)-coated plates ( Bissell et al., 1987 and Mingoia et al., 2007), or between two layers of collagen type I or matrigel ( Dunn et al.

The ultimate goal is to utilise these design principles so as to

The ultimate goal is to utilise these design principles so as to generate functional artificial metalloproteins. Mutagenesis studies of native protein scaffolds, or re-engineering of metal ion sites into other protein scaffolds, are often hampered by the complexity of the natural scaffold and can be heavily biased by the ‘evolutionary baggage’ they contain. An attractive approach therefore involves the de novo (from scratch) design of both an artificial

miniature protein fold and at the same time a metal ion binding site. These would allow one to address, without bias, what features of the protein matrix are important in tuning the metal ion properties. Though various de novo protein folds have been prepared including β-sheets and mixed AZD6244 purchase α/β-motifs, the

introduction of metal ion binding sites has generally focussed on α-helices and bundles thereof (see Figure 1). These scaffolds are easier to design, selleck relying primarily on the heptad repeat approach abcdefg and the population of the a and d sites with hydrophobic residues which form a hydrophobic core, and as such represent an attractive starting point for metalloprotein engineers. This short review has focused on the de novo design of metalloproteins which have been reported in the last couple of years. Readers are directed to some excellent reviews covering earlier findings [ 1, 2 and 3]. The introduction of metallo-porphyrins into designed proteins has received significant attention as hemeproteins are capable of performing a large range of functions including oxygen transport, electron transfer/transport and catalysis. Recently the design of a mini helix–heme–helix architecture named mimochrome VI has been reported, capable of forming an asymmetric 5-coordinate iron-porphyrin with a cavity on the distal face for small molecule access. This was immobilised on a self-assembled monolayer coated gold electrode and found to electrocatalytically turn over dioxygen [4], and in solution reported to be capable of peroxidise-like catalytic activity [5]. An attractive advantage of mimochrome VI is that unlike native peroxidises, it is catalytically active in the presence

of an organic co-solvent, broadening the scope of where it could be applied. A similar asymmetric 5-coordinate iron-porphyrin was introduced into a larger four-helix bundle as mimochrome VI was too small to engineer Methamphetamine an Arg residue on the distal face, which enhanced hydrogen peroxide activation and improved catalytic activity [6]. A rationally designed four-helix bundle containing two iron-porphyrins was the first to bind dioxygen stably at room temperature, by controlling and preventing water access to the iron-porphyrin, and remarkably with a 10-fold higher affinity than carbon monoxide [7••]. The iron-porphyrin affinity of the distal His, and thereby access to the 5-coordinate iron-porphyrin capable of coordinating dioxygen, can be controlled by mutagenesis.

(2002) documented the influence of intense rains from consecutive

(2002) documented the influence of intense rains from consecutive tropical storms, Dennis and Floyd, and the wind forcing from Floyd on net transport at the Bay entrance. They proposed that the barotropic pressure gradient associated ATM/ATR targets with the precipitation and the wind-induced sea level slopes overwhelmed the baroclinic pressure gradient to produce a bidirectional flow. From a numerical modeling context, it is worthwhile here to test the hypothesis proposed and quantify

the effect of precipitation which falls directly onto the Bay during the hurricane. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to examine the response of CB to hurricane events by comparing two ambivalent hurricanes, Floyd and Isabel. The first goal is to estimate the amount of saltwater transport and its pattern in CB during the hurricanes, the second goal is to obtain further insight into

the physics of storm-induced vertical mixing in the Bay, and the final goal is to verify the influence of precipitation on transport at the Bay entrance proposed by Valle-Levinson et al. (2002). Making observations during hurricanes is technically difficult. During two hurricane events in CB, five categories of data survived and were assembled from various resources for analysis. They are: (1) tidal records from 16 locations, (2) time series of water velocity from two locations, (3) time series Galunisertib of surface and bottom salinity data from two locations, (4) wind and atmospheric pressure data, and (5) river stream flow data. The measurement Liothyronine Sodium locations are shown in Fig. 1. The water levels were measured at the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/ National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON) stations, which are detailed in Table 2. Each station provides two types of water level data: observed water level and predicted water level (astronomical tide). The storm surge is the

difference between the two. During Hurricane Floyd, the NOAA Current Observation Program (COP) was operating two Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) current meters in the lower James River estuary (Zervas et al., 2000), the Chesapeake Bay Observing System (CBOS) was measuring currents at 2.4 and 10.4 m depths at the mid-Bay buoy, and a team from Old Dominion University (ODU) was collecting water velocity data at the entrance to CB (Valle-Levinson et al., 2002). During Hurricane Isabel, two current meters were successfully operated. One was the Aanderaa RCM-9 current meter in the mid-Bay CBOS, deployed by a team from the University of Maryland (UM) at 2.4 and 10.4 m (Boicourt, 2005 and Roman et al., 2005). The other dataset was collected by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) from York River using a 600 kHz ADCP. This provided high-quality data on waves, storm surge, currents, and acoustic backscatter throughout the water column before, during, and after the storm (Brasseur et al., 2005 and Reay and Moore, 2005).

, 2007a and Budziak et al , 2008) Before measurements the fibres

, 2007a and Budziak et al., 2008). Before measurements the fibres were conditioned according to Supelco’s recommendations. The experiment for the selection of the fibre was performed with 0.1 mg of fresh chopped leaves inside 4 mL amber vials capped

with PTFE-coated septa, at temperature controlled of 30 °C and headspace extraction of 5 min. Desorption of the analytes was carried out at 240 °C during 60 s. Fig. 1 shows the results for the extraction efficiency evaluated by the peak areas in chromatograms obtained with the three studied fibres. The NiTi-ZrO2-PDMS (35 μm) find more fibre has a higher adsorptive capacity compared to the other fibres evaluated. It proved sensitivity and precision, with coefficient of variation (CV%) smaller than 10%, and was chosen for the study of the chemical composition of the BGB324 essential oil of leaves and fruits of M. indica var. coquinho. Using the NiTi-ZrO2-PDMS fibre the following parameters that could affect the extraction efficiency were optimised: mass of sample, extraction time and temperature and desorption time. Fruit’s experiments were performed with masses of 10 and 100 mg of sample and leaves’ experiments were performed with 1, 10, 50 and 100 mg of sample. The effect of the temperature on the extraction process was evaluated by testing successive conditions at room temperature (30 °C), 40, 50 and 60 °C. The influence of the exposure time of the fibre was

studied in experiments performed at 15, 30, 45, and 60 min. The time required for desorption of the substances from the fibre coating was determined testing the times of 30, 60, 90 and 120 s at Guanylate cyclase 2C an injector temperature of 250 °C. For each experiment, at least three replicates of extraction were performed. The HS-SPME/GC-MS analyses were performed with Varian GC–MS system comprising a CP-3900 gas chromatograph (Walnut Creek, CA, USA) with 1177 injector and ion-trap mass spectrometer (Saturn 2100-T/MS/MS). Chromatographic separation was performed on a Factor

Four VF-5 ms fused-silica capillary column (30 m × 0.25 mm, df 0.25 μm), from Varian (Walnut Creek, CA, USA). A SPME liner (72 mm × 0.75 mm i.d) purchased from Varian was used. The initial temperature of oven was of 50 °C (2 min) and increased to 250 °C at 3 °Cmin−1, and the injector was kept at 250 °C. Helium (99.999% purity) was used as carrier gas at a constant flow of 1.0 mL min−1. The temperatures of the manifold, GC–MS interface and the ion trap were 50, 250 and 200 °C, respectively. The MS scan parameters included electron impact ionisation voltage of 70 eV, mass range of 40–450 m/z and scan interval of 0.5 s. Saturn GC/MS 5.52 workstation software was used for instrument control and data treatment. The HS-SPME/GC-MS analyses were made in the splitless mode, 60 s closed valve, 15 min more with the split valve open (ratio 1:50) to clean the fibre, followed by a split ratio of 1:20 to the analysis end.

A numerical scheme, i e the shooting method was adopted to calcu

A numerical scheme, i.e. the shooting method was adopted to calculate the morphology of the vesicle-substrate system, the phase diagram, the relationship between Selleck Cilengitide the free energy and the substrate rigidity, and the opening angle of the substrate. Finally, the adhesion of a vesicle adhered to a rigid substrate was investigated. The obtained results can provide some illustrations of the cell movement regulated by the substrate rigidity, and can be analogous

to the droplet wrapped by a membrane controlled by the voltage. The relationship between the free energy and the work of adhesion has implications on designing special substrates with different surface energies to govern the cell movement. Although the surface tension of Ulixertinib mouse the substrate, the three-dimensional case and the roughness of the substrate haven’t been considered, the presented model is beneficial to understanding the mechanism of cell motility, and paves a new way to engineer devices to manipulate cells. This project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11102140 and 11272357), the Doctoral

Fund of Ministry of Education of China (20110141120024), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (14CX02044A). “
“Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) therapy prevents sudden cardiac death and prolongs survival in patients who undergo implantation for primary and secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death 1, 2, 3 and 4. The benefits of the therapy and the expansion of indications for ICDs since their introduction have led to a significant increase in the number of ICD recipients

and in lives saved by ICD therapy (5). However, Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II inappropriate therapies, most commonly caused by supraventricular tachyarrhythmias (SVTs), remain a significant adverse effect of ICD therapy, affecting up to 40% of patients during long-term follow-up 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Besides the pain and discomfort caused by inappropriate shocks, they are also associated with anxiety, depression, impaired quality of life, proarrhythmia, low treatment satisfaction, and possibly mortality 11, 12 and 13. Important efforts have been made in defining optimal programming methods for accurate rhythm detection and minimizing inappropriate ICD interventions. However, so far, there is no consensus on the most appropriate programming methodology 14, 15, 16 and 17. Likewise, the question of whether dual-chamber ICD therapy with dual-chamber settings can reduce the risk for inappropriate shocks in comparison with single-chamber therapy with single-chamber settings remains unanswered. Several investigators have reported a trend toward fewer inappropriate shocks with dual-chamber setting (18), whereas others have reported no differences between the therapies 19, 20, 21 and 22.

, 2010) Here we compare the efficacy of multi-cohort based manag

, 2010). Here we compare the efficacy of multi-cohort based management, aimed specifically at maintaining stand structure, and shelterwood silvicultural systems, which may provide some de facto benefit for biodiversity, for maintaining ground beetle assemblages. We also compare both of these partial cutting approaches with standard clear cuts to assess any net benefits partial cutting may provide if implemented within a larger strategy of ecosystem management. We hypothesize that the higher Selleckchem Docetaxel levels of retention left following

multi-cohort management will be more similar to uncut forests than either shelterwood or clear cuts. All sample sites were located in the Haute-Mauricie region of Québec, Canada (47°26′16″N, 72°46′35″W) and were dominated primarily by balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Miller) and yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britton), although numerous other hardwood (including sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall), red maple (Acer rubrum L.), trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and conifer (white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss), red

spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.), jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.), and white pine (Pinus strobus L.)) species were also present. Stand dynamics are controlled predominately by frequent, small fires (<150 ha) and infrequent, large fires (>10,000 ha), windthrow ( Côté et al., 2010), as well as outbreaks of spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)). We sampled beetles from replicate stands Selleckchem Dolutegravir that were clear cut, harvested according to either shelterwood or multicohort silvicultural systems or uncut (Fig. 1). These sites were part of a larger project called TRIADE, which was established to evaluate how partial cutting and other ecosystem management options could be incorporated and implemented over a larger landscape (Côté et al., 2010). Our study stands originated from a wildfire in 1923. Stands were

harvested during the winter of 2007–2008 (Witté et al.). Progesterone Clear cuts, in our study, contained 5% retention isolated within a small aggregate (between 150 and 500 m2). Retention within the shelterwood treatments consisted of a 5 m band of uncut forest with two adjacent 7 m bands of partial cut forest where retention was 50% of pre-harvest stem density. Each vegetation strip (19 m total width) was separated by 5 m of harvested forest where retention was 0%. In 10–15 years once significant conifer regeneration has established, the 5 m uncut band will be harvested along with larger stems from the adjacent 7 m partial cut strips. Retention within the multicohort treatment consisted of an uncut vegetation strip 19 m wide bordered on each side by a 7 m wide partial cut strip which retains 66% of the original stems. This larger vegetation strip (33 m) is separated from other strips by a 5 m band of harvested forest where retention was 0%.

Ginseng may also be beneficial for those infected with the human

Ginseng may also be beneficial for those infected with the human immunodeficiency virus; long-term ginseng use has been linked to slowed depletion of CD4 T lymphocytes in such patients [34]. The present study demonstrates that mice and ferrets fed with Red Ginseng could be protected from the lethal challenges of HP H5N1 influenza virus. The results hold out the potential that Red Ginseng may contribute to protecting humans from pandemic influenza virus prior to when the pandemic vaccine or an effective anti-influenza

drug is available. In the event of such a pandemic, an estimated 30% of the global human population would PLX3397 cost be at risk of infection, because most humans do not have prior immunity to pandemic influenza virus. Considering the vast geographic distribution of HP H5N1 influenza virus and its ability to GSI-IX purchase infect humans, H5N1 influenza virus is a prime candidate as a pandemic cause [35] and [36]. During such an event, daily consumption of Red Ginseng may increase the likelihood of human survival from exposure to a lethal dose of HP H5N1 influenza virus, at least until an effective vaccine becomes available and prophylactic protection can be established. The pandemic vaccine can be developed only after the pandemic virus is available because HP H5N1 influenza virus continuously evolves [37]. In addition, HP H5N1 influenza virus that is resistant to the most used anti-influenza drug, Oseltamivir,

Thiamet G has already emerged [38]. Our results indicate that the underlying mechanism that

feeding of mice and ferrets with Red Ginseng help to increase the survival rate of these animals from the lethal infections of HP H5N1 influenza virus may be due to the enhanced inductions of antiviral cytokines of IFN-α and IFN-γ. It is well established that IFN-α and IFN-γ could inhibit the replication of influenza viruses [39] and [40]. Further studies such as cytokine production, viral titers, and histological pathology in ferrets may be needed to support the immune enhancing effects of Red Ginseng against HP H5N1 influenza virus. At this moment, no commercially available ELISA kits for measuring ferrets’ cytokines at the level of proteins exist. In summary, we studied the effects of Red Ginseng on protective immunity of mice and ferrets against HP H5N1 influenza virus. Our results suggest that taking Red Ginseng daily may contribute to protecting humans from the lethal infections of HP H5N1 influenza virus in the event of a pandemic by HP H5N1 influenza virus. All authors declare no conflicts of interest. This work is supported by the Korean Ginseng Co. A scientific editor from Editage edited this manuscript. “
“Ginseng, the root of Panax ginseng Meyer, is one of the most popular traditional herbal medicines. It has been used for thousands of years in Asian countries, and has also recently become popular in Western countries.

Although this can be acceptable for the delivery of more traditio

Although this can be acceptable for the delivery of more traditional face-to-face treatments

through videoconferencing, the naturalistic PCIT format requires parents to follow their child’s lead, which can have them sitting on the floor with their child facing away from the therapist and moving throughout the entire room in play. In addition, we do not recommend that families use the microphone on their wireless Bluetooth earpiece to transmit audio to the therapist. click here The microphones on such earpieces are typically designed with noise and wind cancellation/suppression technology. As such, while they may capture the parent’s voice with exceptional clarity, it becomes almost impossible to hear the child. For these reasons, although providers may be able to cut some equipment corners to lower costs, we find that an external omnidirectional room microphone, which families rarely own already, is an indispensible purchase for the conduct of quality I-PCIT. When all of the equipment is connected on the family’s computer, multiple

microphone options exist to transmit audio to the therapist (i.e., the microphone in the wireless Bluetooth earpiece, the microphone on the webcam, the microphone built into the computer, and the omnidirectional room microphone). Details are provided in Elkins and Comer (in press) regarding the need to toggle between the various microphone and speaker options during session. Another very important consideration is that only Wi-Fi or broadband Internet connections afford JAK inhibitor the quality of real-time, fluid, and discernable communication required for I-PCIT. As such, in our work, when families present for treatment and have a home computer but do not have household broadband connectivity, we loan them a temporary mobile Wi-Fi

hotspot (~$40/month), which is then transferred forward to another participating family at the conclusion of their treatment. Videoconferencing refers to the use of telecommunication technology that allows multiple parties to communicate in real time via the simultaneous two-way transmission of audio and video signals. Most modern videoconferencing formats will afford real-time and lifelike detail and motion sufficiently sophisticated to enable quality I-PCIT, although they Erastin ic50 differ from one another in important ways, ranging from cost and quality to encryption and privacy. In general, a good rule of thumb is that the lower the cost of the videoconferencing, the lower the quality and the weaker the encryption and privacy. At one end there is Skype, which is a free service, but offers poorer audio and video quality relative to other options, is associated with frequently disrupted or dropped connections, and raises concerns about privacy and security, which is not acceptable for I-PCIT or delivery of any other psychological treatment.

S Nav

S. Luminespib cell line troops in Baghdad were at risk of exposure, leading

to a potentially important significant impact on the operation (Ellis et al., 2008). As summarized above, sandlfy fever has always been a problem for immunologically naive soldiers that enter endemic areas when Phlebotomus sandflies are active. Although in most cases the disease is relatively benign, the effects of an outbreak in troops may be devastating because of high attack rates, diagnostic uncertainty and acute morbidity. In most cases, military operations are interrupted and postponed. These types of scenario inevitably impact on military strategies in the theatre of operations. Although sandfly fever is a self-limiting illness, it can be costly selleckchem to diagnose and to treat when there is a high incidence of clinical disease. Since there is no preventive treatment, sandfly repellents and insecticide spraying are the most effective measures for protecting troops against sandflies. However, insecticide spraying requires knowledge of the habitats of sandflies which is unlikely to be possible if there is no literature about the spread of the flies around the stationed area. There are currently no available approved vaccines

or specific antiviral therapies for these diseases. The development of a broad-spectrum vaccine may be justified for army troops stationed in endemic areas, for people who travel to endemic regions, and of course for populations living in areas where endemicity is documented or is considered an at-risk area. Because of the generally favorable outcome of infections with Sicilian and Naples virus, it Thalidomide is likely that an effective vaccine would fulfill a useful purpose mainly for military personnel, to

reduce the risk of short-term decimation of army forces. For instance, 12 of 23 febrile soldiers among British troops in Afghanistan were diagnosed as being infected by sandfly fever virus, and they were treated with doxycycline since there is no specific treatment for sandfly fever (Bailey et al., 2011). A study on prevention from infection by Toscana virus reported that a combination of recombinant Toscana virus structural proteins N-Gc, used as a vaccine, protected 100% of mice infected with a lethal, neurovirulent strain of Toscana virus (Gori Savellini et al., 2008). Because of the extensive genetic and antigenic diversity observed between Naples and Sicilian virus, a vaccine developed against one of these viruses has little chance of being effective against the other virus. Moreover, whether or not a vaccine developed against Toscana virus would have a induce cross-protection against Naples virus is uncertain and should be experimentally investigated. The concept of a broad-spectrum vaccine would therefore probably have to rely upon the development of at least a triple-virus vaccine. Other than prevention and antiviral therapy, repellents and insecticides are the principal options to reduce the spread of sandfly-borne diseases.

Protein concentrations were measured using a DC Protein Assay kit

Protein concentrations were measured using a DC Protein Assay kit (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). Five μL of standards and protein samples were transferred to a 96-well plate and 25 μL of alkaline copper tartrate solution containing Reagent S was added to each

well. Then 200 μL of dilute Folin Reagent was added to each well and the 96-well plate was incubated at room temperature. After 15 min, the protein concentrations were measured at 750 nm using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) reader (Synergy2; Biotek, Winooski, VT, USA). Each protein was denatured with 5× sample buffer and boiled for 5 min. Each protein was then FK228 fractionated by electrophoresis through a 10% SDS polyacrylamide gel at 100 V for 2 h, and the proteins were transferred onto polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes at 100 V for

60 min. Each membrane was blocked with TBST buffer (10 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 0.1% Tween-20) containing 5% bovine serum albumin (BSA) for 1 h and then incubated with primary antibodies (mouse anti-Bax and rabbit anti-Bcl2 antibodies) in TBST buffer containing 1% BSA at 4°C overnight. The membranes were washed three times with TBST buffer and further incubated with antimouse and anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) secondary antibodies conjugated with horseradish peroxidase for 2 h, respectively. Each membrane was filmed with a chemiluminescent imaging selleck screening library system (Fusion SL2; Vilber Lourmat), and analyzed using Bio1d software (Vilber Lourmat). Data are presented as means ± standard deviation (SD). Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan’s multiple range tests. A p value Vildagliptin <0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance. For all analyses, a commercially available statistical package software was used (SPSS version 19; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The degree of mucosal damage was examined by histological examination

with PAS. The mucus secretion was quantified with alcian blue and hexosamine methods. PAS staining results are shown in Fig. 1. The apical surface of the mucous cells in normal rats was strongly stained with PAS (arrows in Fig. 1A) indicating intact gastric mucosa layer. However, PAS reaction was significantly reduced in surface cells of the control group (arrows in Fig. 1B) showing diffusive erosion of the gastric mucosal cell layer in these rats. PAS reaction increased in famotidine (arrows in Fig. 1C)- and ginsenoside Re (arrows in Fig. 1D)-treated rats compared with the control group, suggesting an increase in mucus secretion and alleviation of the erosion in the gastric mucosal cell layer in these groups. A significant decrease in adherent gastric mucus content was seen in C48/80-induced gastric lesion control rats compared with normal rats (Table 1). Pre-administration with famotidine and ginsenoside Re significantly attenuated the decrease in adherent gastric mucus content.