Ideally, we would employ a psychosocial mediator such as stress, defined as “the interaction between people and their social Akt inhibitor environment involving psychological processes” (Egan et al.,
2008), but unfortunately such variables were not available in the study. We therefore used the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) to derive a psychological factor for this study. The GHQ-12 comprises 12 self-complete questions describing mood states used to assess psychiatric morbidity, with six of the questions being positively phrased and six negatively phrased (Goldberg and Williams, 1988). Each item of the GHQ-12 has four possible response options and these were scored dichotomously using the GHQ method (all Z-VAD-FMK research buy items coded 0-0-1-1). Missing items were scored zero. The 12 scores were then summed and a cut-off for mental ill health derived from the mean score. For both waves 1 and 5, mean GHQ scores were approximately 2, setting a cut-off of 3 or more as
a case (‘1’) compared to not being considered a case (‘0’). Data on smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and physical activity were based on self-report. Behavioral variables created for these analyses were based, where possible, on contemporary guidelines, as well as making variables homogeneous between waves. Smoking status at both waves 1 and 5 was defined as current (1) versus ex- or non-smoker (0). Weekly alcohol consumption was used to define respondents as below (‘0’) versus above (‘1’) gender-specific recommended weekly limits (⩽21 versus 22+ units for males; ⩽14 versus 15+ units for females) (Changing Scotland’s Relationship Histidine ammonia-lyase with Alcohol, 2009) Alcohol strength changed for some drinks during follow-up (Bromley et al., 2003) and we recalculated this variable in wave 5, although this change had no impact
on our results. Physical activity was based on the number of occasions per week that respondents took part in an activity “lasting more than 20 min” that made them “sweat or (be) out of breath”, reflecting guidelines at the time. Respondents were dichotomized into high physical activity (at least 20 min once a week; ‘0’) versus low physical activity (less than once a week; ‘1’). Diet, from food-frequency questionnaires, was based on the number of days per week on which participants reported eating fruit and vegetables. Respondents were classified as having a poor diet (‘1’) if they had at least one day per week with no fruit or vegetables consumed versus not having a poor diet if they consumed fruit and vegetables every day of the week (‘0’) (See Table 1). For each individual measure (e.g. smoking, income, etc.), and for the combined factors, a cumulative measure was generated using data from both waves of survey data such that each mediator could take a value of 0, 1 or 2, with higher scores representing more negative material, psychological or behavioral exposures.