To this, 25 μL of 48 mM EZ-Link Amine-PEO3-Biotin stock was added. Beads were mixed immediately and briefly. Next, 25 μL of EDC buy BMS-754807 Buffer (100 mg/mL in water; prepared immediately prior to use) was immediately added to each sample (containing both beads and Biotin-Amine
Linker), mixed, and incubated for 1 h with mixing. Beads were then spun down, and the reaction solution was removed. The beads were washed 4 × 400 μL (5 min each) with Quench Buffer (10 mM hydroxylamine in PBS-T; prepared immediately prior to use; PBS-T is standard PBS buffer with 0.05% [v/v] Tween-20) before discarding the wash and incubation with an additional 400 μL of Quench Buffer for 30 min. Beads were then further washed briefly 2 × with 400 μL of PBS containing 1 M NaCl (first wash brief and then leaving in the second wash for 1 h with mixing). Finally, beads GDC-0199 nmr were washed 4 × 400 μL briefly with TBS-T. Beads were stored, protected from light, in TBS-T at 4 °C. Before coating with
Streptavidin, Biotin-VeraCode™ beads were pre-treated 2 × 5 min using 400 μL of BSA Block with mixing. After removing the Block, 250 μL Streptavidin solution (1 mg/mL in BSA Block) was added and incubated for 30 min with mixing. After removing this solution, beads were washed 3 × 400 μL with TBS-T, followed by 5 min washes of 3 × 400 μL with TBS containing 1 M NaCl. Finally, beads were washed briefly 3 × 400 μL with TBS and stored at + 4 °C in this buffer. TAAs were expressed as proteins containing a C-terminal SBP-Tag (Keefe et al., 2001) using a cell-free system according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Rabbit Reticulocyte or PURExpress™; see very Section 2.2 of Materials and methods). 25 μL of cell-free protein expression reaction was mixed with an equal volume of BSA Block and clarified by 1 min in a standard micro-centrifuge (15,000 rpm) followed by passing through a 0.45 micron pore size spin filtration device (400 μL capacity Ultrafree-MC Micro-Centrifuge Filter Units, Pore Size 0.45 μm Durapore PVDF Membrane). The aforementioned streptavidin VeraCode™ beads were pelleted, briefly washed
3 × 400 μL in TBS-T followed by 2 × 5 min each with BSA Block. Next, the diluted cell-free protein expression reaction was added and mixed 30 min for protein capture (note that this amount of cell-free protein expression reaction is used for a minimum of 500 beads and a maximum of 5000 beads). Protein capture was followed by 4 × 400 μL brief washes with TBS-T before the beads were re-suspended to their original concentration in TBS-T. Beads were stored in TBS-T at 4 °C protected from light. While the biotin labeled anti-GDF15 antibody used in the VeraCode™ assays was from a commercial source (see Section 2.1: Supplies and Reagents), the anti-CEA antibody used in the VeraCode™ assays was biotin labeled in-house as follows: The commercial antibody as supplied (see Section 2.