4 and 5 In the U.S. this device is marketed as an office based procedure with local anesthesia with or without oral sedation. A potential challenge of PUL in the office is that the device requires a rigid 20Fr cystoscope that may preclude it from being performed in a significant number of men. However, use of local and oral anesthetics with
a prostate block may help alleviate patient discomfort. In a multinational prospective trial of PUL performance of 5 procedures was necessary to become comfortable with the device.5 Our experience mirrors this as well and we would agree that the learning curve is relatively quick. Nevertheless, it should be noted that this learning curve occurred in a clinical trial setting where variable anesthesia ranging from local to intravenous sedation was offered. One would expect selleck a steeper learning Anti-infection Compound Library purchase curve when local anesthesia is the mainstay. Moreover, a pivotal marketing
message for PUL is preservation of ejaculation which may be even more important to a younger, more sexually active population who may be less likely to tolerate such a procedure in the office with a rigid cystoscope. Initially, the safety and feasibility of the device were tested in 19 Australian men with moderate to severe LUTS.6 Criteria for inclusion in the prospective, nonrandomized study were I-PSS greater than 13, peak urinary flow rate 5 to 12 mL/second, prostate volume 20 to 100 mL, PVR less than 250 mL
and serum PSA less than 10 ng/mL. Followup assessments were conducted at 2 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. A 37% mean reduction in I-PSS and a 40% mean reduction in quality of life compared to baseline were observed at the 2-week followup visit. Improvements were sustained and at 12-month followup there was a 39% reduction in I-PSS and a 48% reduction Thymidine kinase in quality of life compared to baseline. The most common adverse event was hematuria in 12 subjects (63%) followed by dysuria in 11 (58%) and irritative symptoms in 9 (47%). Hematuria and dysuria resolved in 3 to 5 days, and irritative symptoms resolved within a month. In a prospective multicenter trial in Australia the UroLift device was evaluated for long-term efficacy in 64 men with moderate to severe LUTS.1 Study participants were 55 years old or older (range 53 to 83) with significant duration of LUTS (range 6 months to 23 years). Criteria for eligibility included I-PSS greater than 13, PVR less than 250 mL and Qmax 5 to 12 mL/second. Exclusion criteria were PSA greater than 10 ng/mL, history of urinary retention, active infection, previous prostate surgery as well as any contraindications for the UroLift procedure (eg presence of an obstructive median lobe). Subjects were followed for 2 years, with assessments at 2 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months and 24 months. Assessments included I-PSS, quality of life, BPH Impact Index, Qmax and PVR.